Wednesday Wisdom: Quick Truths On Philosophy, Food and Work

2 min readApr 22, 2020


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I am here to tell you…
Nope, I am here to ask you about certain things in life which you might this is easy for you but actually very difficult for others. Yes! You can predict that I am talking about philosophy. It comes easy to some, hard to others and well, some people are still learning about it. Anyways, there is a variety of philosophies you can follow in life, just like a food diet. You can choose your food diet for body and philosophy diet for your mind. Right? But, there is one complication and that is work? How to work on yourself? How to work for others? What would you get in return if you work?
So, for example, if I give you $200 salary, and ask you to transform it into $25/month rent, how would you do it?
Perhaps you will use some initial strategies you would have learned, likewise, when it comes to food, you apply certain strategies too. And, as well for work.
My question is do you have a strategy to choose a philosophy? If yes, what is it? Because I am following one, and it called Stoicism. It is a great philosophy to follow.
You can follow it too. How you relate philosophy, food and work?

