Christ Way Campus Resource
3 min readApr 12, 2022


Research has shown that having good friends help humans to live a very long and healthy life. As kids, your parents and siblings were the first set of individuals you opened your hearts to but It is undeniable that as you grow, you expose yourselves and build bonds with people from different backgrounds and beliefs.

Friendships have an impact on your mental health, happiness and dreams.

A good friend:

  • Loves and cares genuinely.
  • Pray and wishes you well.
  • Supports your dreams and help you reach your goal.
  • Boosts your self-worth and strengthens your purpose.
  • Listens without judging but matured to discipline you.
  • Wiling to share with you and not insecure or envious of you.

It is expedient to know that the power of friendship doesn’t hold a trivial effect. An old saying goes thus “Show me your friend and I will tell you who are”. Friendship comes with influence. The people you surround yourself with defines a great portion of you.

A litmus test for who you are as an individual is the company you keep.
You can’t be serious about spiritual growth and keep spiritually slothful and insensitive friends. Your undying hunger and pursuit for success is not to be exhibited and expected to be strengthened in the company of mediocres.
The beautiful and bright dreams you have should not have a place amongst negative people.

Think about these;

  • Can you trust your friends to tarry in the place of prayer for you?
  • Can you trust your friends to cheer you on when you seem weak and discouraged?
  • Can you trust your friends to help you with those dreams of yours?

Most importantly, can you be a friend who have these qualities as well?

In simple terms, Friendship means “Friends on the same ship”.

Just like Jonah was not supposed to be on that ship heading to Tarshish which almost caused a shipwreck, the presence of the wrong person on your ship can also cause a shipwreck.

A healthy friendship should consist of people of the same mind, similar goals and relevant visions. Your model, Jesus Christ demonstrated good friendship all through his stay on earth and still showing that till date. Jesus has shown you the perfect example with his life and you are to follow his lead.

As a believer, strive to build good friendships and be at peace with all men (Rom.12:18).
Know this! You do not owe everyone an association but you owe everyone love and honour.

Friendship is by choice; ensure you make right choice(s) and be a friend worthy of being the right choice for someone.

The beautiful colours of a good friendship will undoubtedly adorn and enrich your life and much more, make the world a beautiful and brighter space for all.

Christ Way Campus Resource

A family of love where the father dwells, son abides and the spirit moves.