
Cy Alcala
Nov 2, 2022


Hyperfocus is when you’re laser-focused on one thing and you aren’t distracted by anything else.

Many people are hyperfocused when they talk about their job, but rarely are they hyperfocused when they’re talking about creating a side project.

Here’s what to do:

1. Make a list of all the things you’re not doing right now.
2. Write a list of all the things you’re doing right now.
3. Keep the list at your desk so you see it every day and it reminds you to keep going.
4. Put the list behind your computer so you have to look at it every day to remind you of the good you are doing.

This is where you find the energy to keep going and make it happen.



Cy Alcala

I write business thoughts and poems every day or every week, probably. | https://cyrusalcala.com