Kenneth LeeErgoMap人因地圖 漂浮式桌用人體工學螢幕架開箱心得因為工作採用兩個螢幕,佔去了多數的桌面空間,因此想找一個螢幕架把 27 吋的螢幕架起來,多一些可以利用的空間。其實選擇螢幕架不是一件容易的事情。網路上的選擇非常多,價格落差也大,但卻不容易找到其他人的試用心得及分享。May 11, 2017May 11, 2017
Kenneth LeeIgnore the noiseIt’s easy to get panic when facing competitors. It could be a company, product, someone, or even an idea. But the truth is that the only…Dec 23, 2016Dec 23, 2016
Kenneth LeeEmotion Control情緒管理,需要長時間正確的練習。所謂的練習,是給自己一些思考的 pattern,當自己做出反應之前應該先用下列的 pattern 去思考:Sep 19, 2016Sep 19, 2016
Kenneth LeeIt’s not about the product.In a lot of cases, what we actually bought is not the product; it’s the self-recognization.Nov 16, 2014Nov 16, 2014
Kenneth LeeAs a founderTo be able to attract top talent, I need to provide vision, goals, and the plan to achieve the vision and goals. You have to know what you…Nov 15, 2014Nov 15, 2014