Glistening Deepwater
2 min readNov 13, 2014


The source of the energy which underlies all form and phenomena, is present within that form and phenomena as the structure and flow of the etheric energy, or information.

Still the body and quiet the mind,
Going within, be aware of the rhythm of your breathing and the
beating of your heart.

Listen to the pulse of your life blood flowing rhythmically through your brain.

Feel the air penetrate the membranes in your lungs and imagine it
being absorbed into your blood.

See in your mind the living energy of the cosmos entering your system
through the air, into your blood and throughout your entire body.

Going deep within and focusing the attention upon the spinal column
visualise a glowing, radiating source of light emanating from within the
very structure of the bones themselves.

Imagine that the bones have become translucent and use the mind’s eye to look around at the geometric energetic structure that fills the space around you.

Observe this structure as the energy flows through it, it is at once
formed of and filled with this energy.

Feel this glowing, radiant, energised structure permeating your entire
skeleton, realise that this same energy flows throughout your entire being.

Extend this understanding to all the things around you and to all that is.

Realise that the source of energy which underlies all things, lies within
the things themselves and penetrates and permeates all that is.


