We are fundamentally the product of a process. This process is on-going and producing perceptible results, we perceive these results as form and phenomena occurring in space over time.

Glistening Deepwater
2 min readNov 19, 2014

Still the body and quiet the mind,
Going within, become aware of the rhythm of your breathing and the
beating of your heart.

Listen to the pulse of your life blood flowing rhythmically through your brain. Feel the air being absorbed by your blood and circulated throughout your entire body.

Know that energy flowing in with the air is filling your etheric being
with light and love, energising, sustaining and animating your life.

There is a process by which the inflowing energy informs the
being that you believe yourself to be.

The structure and flow of this energy lays down the subtle
foundations upon which is built your physicality and by extension
the perceivable form of all that is.

Your individual point of perception is the means by which this
phenomena may be experienced.

You perceive yourself to be an individual being or object in space, and
so also perceive many other seeming objects in space.

You are able to have the experience of these things as separate and
distinct due to your perspective within the framework of this context.

Realise that your experience and all the perceivable things within the framework of that experience are products of the same fundamental process.


