Glistening Deepwater
2 min readNov 13, 2014


The physical reality has it’s etheric or energetic counterpart — the information upon which it depends for animation, or life.

Still the body and quiet the mind,
Going within, be aware of the rhythm of your breathing and the
beating of your heart. Listen to the pulse of your life blood flowing
rhythmically through your brain.

Feel the air penetrate the membranes in your lungs and imagine
it being absorbed into your blood.

See in your mind the living energy of the cosmos entering your body
through the air, into your blood and throughout your entire body.

Center you attention deep within your heart and visualise a warm,
radiant and attractive light glowing there.

As you focus your attention upon it it becomes brighter and forms a
sphere that fills your chest, glowing and gently spreading
waves of love in all directions.

Raising the attention now to the head, visualise a cool, clear, radiant
light emanating from deep within, focus on this light as it
illuminates you entire brain.

See in your mind’s eye the ever increasing brilliance of this light as it
permeates your mind and surrounds your head in a glowing ball.

Know that this energy permeates your entire being, every nerve and
fibre, every tissue and fluid flow, visualise it radiating out through your
skin and see yourself glowing as if lit from within.

This is the energy of life itself and it is that which energises, sustains
and animates your physical manifest form.

Extend your awareness to all the people and things which surround you,
understand that this same energy also energises,
sustains and animates them and all that is.

Return to yourself and maintain the awareness that the one source of
energy supports all life and flows through all that is.


