Investing in Hedera Hashgraph & Hbar: What You Need to Know

4 min readFeb 15, 2023

What is Hedera?

Hedera is a distributed public ledger that provides a platform for developers to create decentralized applications (dApps). It is based on a hybrid consensus mechanism that combines the Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT) consensus protocol and the Gossip Protocol. This combination of protocols ensures that the network is secure, reliable, and fast.

What is Hbar?

The Hedera network uses the cryptocurrency Hbar to speed up transactions. It is a digital asset that is used to pay for goods and dApps on the Hedera network. Additionally, it acts as an incentive for programmers to build applications for the platform. Hbar is currently listed on a number of exchanges. It is a key asset for investors, and its use provides numerous benefits that are worth considering. See below;

Enhanced Security

Hedera Hashgraph is cryptographically secure, meaning encryption is used to protect user data and transactions. This is essential for any investor, as it provides assurance that their investments are safe and secure. The platform’s consensus algorithm also helps to ensure the integrity of the network and the security of user funds.

Faster Transactions

The Hbar token is designed to facilitate transactions at a much faster rate than other cryptocurrencies. Transactions are verified in just seconds, and they are completed in a matter of minutes. This is essential for investors who need to move funds quickly and securely.

Low Fees

The cost of using the Hbar network is much lower than other platforms. The fees associated with using the network are minimal, and transactions can be completed cheaply and quickly. This makes it an attractive option for investors who need to move funds quickly and cheaply.

Decentralized Governance

Hedera Hashgraph is a decentralized platform, meaning it is self-governed. This means that all participants in the network have an equal say in how the platform is run. This is beneficial for investors, as it ensures that their investments are secure and that the platform is being run in the best interests of all users.

Hedera Governing Council

The Hedera Hashgraph Governing Council is a powerhouse of professionals that provide transparency, trust, and governance to the Hedera Hashgraph public distributed ledger. The Council is comprised of a select group of companies, institutions, and individuals from around the world that have been chosen for their expertise and commitment to the success of the Hedera Hashgraph platform. In short, the Council is a trusted partner for investors interested in the Hedera Hashgraph network.

What Does the Governing Council Do?

The Governing Council is responsible for deciding the future direction and evolution of the Hedera Hashgraph network. This includes setting policies and procedures for the network, deciding which features to add and remove, and making sure the network remains secure and stable. The Council also plays a critical role in helping to protect investors from potential fraud and other malicious activity on the Hedera Hashgraph network.

Who is on the Council?

The Governing Council is made up of a diverse set of individuals and organizations from around the world. They include:

  • Deloitte
  • Nomura
  • IBM
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Google
  • Swirlds
  • Magalu
  • Tata Communications
  • Korea Exchange
  • DLA Piper

This impressive list of members demonstrates the caliber of people that are involved in the Hedera Hashgraph network. Each member has been carefully chosen for their expertise and commitment to the success of the platform.

What does the Council mean for Investors?

The Governing Council provides investors with a sense of security when investing in the Hedera Hashgraph network. The Council is made up of experts in the field that have a vested interest in the success of the network, and are responsible for making sure it remains secure and stable. This level of oversight and governance is a major benefit for investors, as it ensures that the Hedera Hashgraph network remains a safe and reliable platform for their investments.


In conclusion, Hedera Hashgraph is a great investment opportunity for those looking to diversify their portfolios, leverage the benefits of cryptocurrency and make their money work for them. Hedera’s unique Hbar cryptocurrency can give users access to a secure, trustless, fast and low-cost network, as well as its many applications. With features like scalability, decentralization and its governance model, Hedera Hashgraph is a powerful platform for developers and users alike. If you’re ready to invest in Hedera Hashgraph, don’t wait any longer. With its potential for growth, low-cost transactions and wide range of applications, Hedera is a wise decision for any investor.




I'm an avid learner who is constantly seeking out new information and exploring the world around me. Mainly talking about Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain