What is Dark web? Is it dangerous? How do you access it? How is it different to Deep web?

Liam Nivvas
6 min readDec 28, 2022


The internet can be thought of as having three layers: the surface web, the deep web, and the dark web.

The surface web is the portion of the internet that is easily accessible to anyone using a web browser. It consists of websites that are indexed by search engines, such as Google, and can be found through a simple search.

The deep web, also known as the hidden web or the invisible web, is a portion of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and is not easily accessible through a web browser. It consists of databases, private websites, and other resources that are not publicly available.

The dark web is a small portion of the deep web that can only be accessed using specialized software, such as the TOR network. It is often associated with illegal activities, such as the sale of drugs and weapons, and is known for its anonymity and lack of regulation.

Three webs of internet

Dark web:

The dark web is a part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and is only accessible through special software such as the Tor network.

It is a place where users can remain anonymous and share information or engage in activities that might be illegal or illicit. The dark web is often associated with criminal activity, such as the buying and selling of drugs or weapons, but it can also be used for legitimate purposes, such as anonymous communication or the sharing of sensitive information.

It is important to note that accessing the dark web can be illegal in some countries and can also be risky due to the potential for exposure to malicious software or other online threats.

Deep web:

The deep web refers to the portion of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and is not easily accessible to the general public. It includes websites and online resources that are password protected, have not been linked to from any other web page, or are not accessible through standard search engines.

The deep web is often distinguished from the dark web, which refers to websites that are only accessible through special software such as the Tor network and are often associated with illegal or illicit activity. However, the deep web can also include legal and legitimate websites and resources that are simply not indexed by search engines for various reasons.

While the deep web is often associated with illicit or illegal activity, it can also be used for a variety of legitimate purposes, such as accessing private business databases, conducting sensitive research, or communicating anonymously.

5 Differences between Dark web and Deep Web:

  1. Accessibility: The dark web is only accessible through special software such as the Tor network, while the deep web can include a wide range of websites and online resources that are not indexed by search engines but can still be accessed through a standard web browser.
  2. Content: The dark web is often associated with illegal or illicit activity, such as the buying and selling of drugs or weapons, while the deep web can include a wide range of content, both legal and illegal.
  3. Purpose: The dark web is often used for illegal or illicit purposes, while the deep web can be used for a variety of legitimate purposes, such as accessing private business databases or conducting sensitive research.
  4. Anonymity: Both the dark web and the deep web offer a level of anonymity to users, but the dark web is often considered to offer a higher level of anonymity due to the use of the Tor network and other technologies that can help to mask a user’s identity.
  5. Risks: Both the dark web and the deep web can be risky due to the potential for exposure to malicious software or other online threats. However, the dark web is often considered to be more risky due to the higher likelihood of encountering illegal or illicit content and activities.

How to access Dark web?

To access the dark web, you will need to use special software such as the Tor network.

  1. Tor (The Onion Router): This is a decentralized network that routes internet traffic through a series of servers in order to provide anonymity to users. It is widely used and is considered one of the most secure tools for accessing the dark web.
Tor (The Onion Router) Browser

In addition to the Tor network, there are a few other tools that can be used to access the dark web:

2. I2P (Invisible Internet Project): This is a network of anonymous servers that can be used to access websites on the dark web. It is not as well-known or as widely used as the Tor network.

3. Freenet: This is a decentralized network that allows users to publish and access websites anonymously. It is not as widely used as the Tor network, and it may not offer the same level of security or anonymity.

4. Zeronet: This is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network that allows users to publish and access websites anonymously. It is not as well-known or as widely used as other tools such as the Tor network, and it may not offer the same level of security or anonymity.

It is important to note that all of these tools can be used to access the dark web and may be used for illegal or illicit purposes. Using these tools to engage in illegal activities may still be illegal in some countries, and you should be aware of the risks involved.

Using Tor network:

Here are the steps you can follow to access the dark web:

  1. Download the Tor browser from the official website https://www.torproject.org/
  2. The Tor browser is a modified version of the Firefox browser that allows you to access the dark web.
  3. Install the Tor browser on your computer.
  4. Launch the Tor browser and wait for it to establish a connection to the Tor network. This may take a few minutes.
  5. Once the connection is established, you will be able to access websites on the dark web by entering their URL into the address bar of the Tor browser. Dark web websites typically have URLs that end in .onion and you will need to use these URLs to access them.

Using I2P network:

Here are the steps you can follow to access the dark web:

  1. Download the I2P software from the official website


2. Install the I2P software on your computer.

3. Launch the I2P software and wait for it to establish a connection to the I2P network.

4. Once the connection is established, you will be able to access websites on the I2P network by entering their URL into the address bar of your web browser. I2P websites typically have URLs that end in .i2p.

Using Freenet:

Here are the steps you can follow to access the dark web:

  1. Download the Freenet software from the official website


2. Install the Freenet software on your computer.

3. Launch the Freenet software and wait for it to establish a connection to the Freenet network.

4. Once the connection is established, you will be able to access websites on the Freenet network by entering their URL into the address bar of your web browser. Freenet websites typically have URLs that end in .freenet.

Using Zeronet:

Here are the steps you can follow to access the dark web:

  1. Download the Zeronet software from the official website


2. Install the Zeronet software on your computer.

3. Launch the Zeronet software and wait for it to establish a connection to the Zeronet network.

4. Once the connection is established, you will be able to access websites on the Zeronet network by entering their URL into the address bar of your web browser. Zeronet websites typically have URLs that end in .bit.

Happy surfing over webs of internet!



Liam Nivvas

Cyber-security Researcher, Darkweb Analyst ,Application Developer and Trainer! You may buy me a coffee @ paypal.me/nivvas