Cyber City: A Year in Review

Cyber City Inc.
3 min readDec 29, 2023

As the year draws to a close, it’s time to look back at the exciting journey of Cyber City. This year has been pivotal for Cyber City, marked by significant developments and thrilling events. Here’s a recap of the milestones achieved:

1. Alpha Version Support

The year kicked off with the support of the Alpha version of Cyber City. This early version gave players a first glimpse of the game’s potential, allowing them to explore the foundational aspects of its blockchain-based universe.

2. In-Game Tournament

Highlighting the competitive spirit of Cyber City, the year featured an exhilarating tournament during the Alpha stage. Players from around the globe competed in this virtual battleground,showcasing their skills and strategies in the game’s immersive environment.

3. Secret Missions Season 1–3 and Demo

Mid-year brought the introduction of the Secret Missions demo. This demo provided players with a sneak peek into new, covert operations within the game, adding a layer of intrigue and excitement.
You can even try the Demo on our marketplace right now👇

4. Beta Version Release

One of the most anticipated events was the release of the Beta version of the game. Plans are also still in the works to add new features to the game and further develop the gameplay.

5. Mobile Version Support

In a move to broaden accessibility, this year also saw the support of a mobile version of Cyber City. This development opened up the game to a wider audience, allowing players to enjoy Cyber City on various mobile devices, ensuring a seamless gaming experience on the go. At the moment there is an Android version, but we also plan to develop and add support on iOS next year.

6. Auction and Marketplace Edits
These edits provided a more robust and user-friendly platform for players to trade and auction in-game items, further integrating the blockchain aspect of the game.

7. Partnerships and Marketing collaborations

Lot’s of significant partnerships and marketing efforts were done, reinforcing Cyber City’s commitment to growth, innovation, and its community. Hint at the project’s vision moving forward.

8. Airdrop Event
A major marketing milestone was the airdrop event. This initiative helped in expanding the game’s community, attracting new players, and rewarding existing ones. It served as a powerful tool for increasing visibility and engagement within the blockchain gaming space.
You can check the results here 👉

2023 recap:

April digest:

May digest:

June digest:

July digest:

August digest:

September digest:

October digest:

November digest:

Happy New Year from the Cyber City Team!

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Cyber City Inc.

A play-to-earn game with tokenized assets, virtual lands, and NFT characters set in a futuristic cyberpunk megapolis.