Cyber City Alpha Test Handy Guide

Cyber City Inc.
6 min readMay 22, 2023


Dear Cyberians, if you are reading this article, then most likely you have downloaded the Alpha and you are insanely interested in testing and passing through. This article is intended to give you an understanding of the main aspects of the game!

Levelling & XP points

The main destination in passing through the Alpha is to reach the 5th level of the character. Levelling up takes place at the expense of the CYBR and the experience points(XP) gained in the fiercest battles.

For winning a single battle, each time you will receive 15 XP, while for defeats — a consolation of 5 XP, which will be motivation and raise your morale.

Table of requirements for upgrading each level:

Important: once the required volume of XP has been accumulated, the player must pay CYBR to upgrade. If the player does not own enough CYBR, the character will remain at the current level, but the experience will continue to accumulate.

When the character upgrade is available, you will see a yellow plus sign near the «Characters» tab on the dashboard, which indicates the possibility of increasing the level.

Energy consumption

Your game character periodically needs to take a break from continuous battles and enmity in order to replenish his strength. Energy points are restored by 15 points per hour.

In the recent update, we added a character location indicator on the map, which will help you determine the distance to the target. Depending on the range of the building you want to raid, the amount of energy spent on it will also differ. The base energy consumption is 24 points, as you move away from the location of the character, 1 additional unit of energy will be consumed in a straight line and 2 if you attack diagonally (calculation for 1 block of distance).

The further you move away, the more energy consumption will be.

For example, if you move 3 cells forward perpendicular, then the consumption will already be 27 units of energy.

Battle mechanics

The genre of Cyber City is turn-based combat, with each turn lasting 20 seconds, you need to choose one of the skills that will help you to reduce the health of the target and bring the hero closer to victory. If you do not perform an action after the set timer expires, the turret will attack you, but in the next turn, you will get an increase of 2 Action points(AP) to the 2 AP already available, which are issued at the beginning of each turn (in the 1st turn you’re owning 3 points).

The order of the turn:

  1. The turn goes to the player
  2. The player chooses an action to perform
  3. Action is taking place
  4. When the player has decided that he has done all the actions, the turn ends automatically or forcibly ends with the “End turn” button
  5. The battle continues until the health bar of the character or the opponent falls to zero
  6. You can also end the battle prematurely with the “Retreat” button. In this case, you will be declared defeated

Learning more about skills:

1. Basic Attack (2 AP) — archetype’s weapon basic attack without special effect

• Heavy assault rifle — 5 shots with an average chance of hitting

• Power Katana — 2 high precision strikes

2. Charged Attack (3 AP) — strengthened weapon’s attack, cooldown 1 turn

3. Archetype Skill (1 AP) — not available in the current version

4. Pet Skill (2 AP) — imposes a certain effect, cooldown 4 turns

• Shiba Inu — provides 1 additional attack on the enemy

• Iapetus — counterattacks the opponent after the character takes damage

5. Shield (1 AP) — in the next turn gives additional HP points in accordance with the protection index

Important: in the Alpha version, the level of the turret corresponds to the level of the character.

Buildings & Resources

An essential part of gameplay is the accumulation of resources used for levelling up the character and progressing in domination on the map. In Alpha represented resources are — auxiliary MePa and CYBR. MePa (Mechanical Parts) is required to develop skills. CYBR is a multifunctional currency, which is necessary for most operations and it’s a core of the Cyber City game economics.

In order to explain how resources are obtained in the game, let’s get acquainted with the buildings in the Alpha.

There are 3 types of buildings:

  1. Social — basic structure, that can be improved into one of the 2 buildings below
  • Max capacity — 20 CYBR, regen.rate — 0.12 CYBR/min

2. Storage — as the name implies, this building is intended for storing resources, which means it has an increased storage capacity

  • Max capacity — 200 CYBR, regen.rate — 0.25 CYBR/min

3. Military — improving the attacking abilities of the player’s squad

  • Max capacity — 4 MePa, regen.rate 0.02 — MePa/min

In the next versions, it is planned to implement 2 more types of improved buildings (Information, Industry).

Method of upgrading buildings:

All upgraded buildings are obtained by building from a Social conquered City block.

1. Capture a sector

2. Open the building control window by clicking on the cell

3. In “Building options”, select the type of building to upgrade into (Storage/Military)

Upgrade price:

  • Military — 20 CYBR
  • Storage — 30 CYBR

4. Click “Start building”

5. Wait for the process to be completed

You got the submission of the existing types of buildings, let’s go directly to the information about obtaining resources!

In the current version there are 3 main ways to obtain resources:

  1. Looting enemy’s sectors where a certain amount of resources has already been accumulated
  2. Collecting resources from captured buildings (they are displayed in green, enemy buildings are displayed in red. Unpainted cells do not belong to anyone)
  3. Purchasing auxiliary resources (MePa and others) in the “Store” tab on the dashboard

There are 2 ways to attack enemy’s cells:

  • Sector looting — getting all accumulated resources
  • Section capture — as well as looting, you get all the resources of the block and in addition, the block passes into your possession (the functions of claiming resources and protecting the sector become available)

The collection of resources is carried out in the building management window with the “Claim resources” button, the amount of accumulated resources is also displayed there.

You can also set your character to protect your cells, in this case, your enemies will no longer have to deal with the turret, but with your hero, whose level may be higher or lower than the level of the attacking squad.

Using the suggested information, we hope it will be easier for you to reach the coveted level 5 and get rewarded with 300 CYBR!

Experiment, try new strategies and win🦾🏆

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You can download the game here 👉

If you still have any questions, welcome to our Telegram and Discord, where our managers will provide you with assistance!





Cyber City Inc.

A play-to-earn game with tokenized assets, virtual lands, and NFT characters set in a futuristic cyberpunk megapolis.