The Wild Ride from Boston Blockchain Week 🎢

CyberCode Twins 👾 👾
2 min readMay 1, 2018


First of all, let’s get things on the chain right! You can’t have a blockchain week without a blockchain bus! They upp’ed the game! 🚌

Second thing that blew my mind, was they renamed a historic street in Boston known as One Beacon Street and changed it to Blockchain Street. It signaled the kickoff for #BosBlockchainWeek!🚦P.S This is a prank, not permanent. 🚧

🍖 From BBQ and Blockchain 🍖 to Student Blockchain Festival 🎉 to Women In Blockchain at the Alley ‍— Big thank you to Pillar VC!

Boston Blockchain Week brought together founders, researchers, students and investors to explore the evolution of blockchain 💻⛓️🌎 and cryptocurrency. Packed full of workshops and more.

Off the Chain Summit — Learning more about the ICOs Trend 🍪

Seems more and more of the ICOs are being limited to accredited investors and that the regulations in the US have led several startups to raise private rounds instead. The only ICOs people who are not accredited investors in the US can still participate are in these Initial Cookie Offerings.

Attend a Blockchain Week in New York 🌃 or Puerto Rico 🏝️

The Boston Blockchain Week reminded me of Restart Week and looks like that magic got to Boston! Can’t wait to see more Blockchain Week across the nation and looks like there would be one in New York (May 11–17) and Puerto Rico (May 11–19th) this month! Of course we will be attending Puerto Rico to help with the several events…so stay tuned and hope to see you there!

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CyberCode Twins 👾 👾

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