Europe’s Most Wanted: Help Track Down Criminals — You Could Be the Key!

Cybercrime Blog
4 min readNov 19, 2023


In an unprecedented collaboration, ENFAST, in partnership with Europol, has intensified its efforts to track down fugitives across Europe with the launch of the 2023 EU Most Wanted campaign. This comprehensive initiative features an updated list, showcasing profiles of over 50 criminals wanted for severe offenses, ranging from murder and human trafficking to armed robbery and cybercrime. The campaign calls on the public to actively participate in identifying and locating these individuals, emphasizing the crucial role of collaboration among EU countries and citizens.

The Severity of Offenses

The freshly updated list highlights a diverse group of wanted criminals, shedding light on their involvement in grave crimes. The offenses span a spectrum, underlining the severity of the cases and the urgent need for their apprehension. Murder, human trafficking, armed robbery, and cybercrime are among the crimes for which these fugitives are sought. Europol’s Executive Director, Catherine De Bolle, underscores the importance of swift action, stating, “These criminals evade law enforcement across borders and repeatedly attempt to escape justice.”

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A Call for Public Engagement

With the launch of the 2023 EU Most Wanted campaign, ENFAST and Europol are urging European citizens to actively participate in the pursuit of justice. The campaign’s theme encourages citizens to become superheroes by contributing to law enforcement efforts. Emphasizing the impact of public involvement, Catherine De Bolle urges individuals to visit the campaign’s website, view images of the fugitives, and report any recognizable individuals. She states, “By swiftly browsing our EU Most Wanted list website, you could potentially prevent further crimes. Check the website and help us find them. Be our next hero.”

Comic Con Engagement

In a unique approach to reach a wider audience, this year’s campaign will be prominently featured at the Dutch Heroes Comic Con in Utrecht on Saturday, November 18. Attendees of the event will be actively engaged in the pursuit of justice, encouraging them to contribute to the identification and location of the featured fugitives. The campaign aims to leverage the creative and passionate community attending the Comic Con to bolster its mission.

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The Mechanics of Reporting

To facilitate public participation, the reporting system operates through the campaign’s dedicated website. Citizens are encouraged to visit the site, peruse the images and profiles of the wanted criminals, and submit anonymous tips. These tips are then directed to the ENFAST community, consisting of specialized police officers available 24/7. These officers leverage their expertise and resources, collaborating across European borders to swiftly locate and apprehend fugitives implicated in serious crimes.

The Urgency of Collaboration

Europol’s Catherine De Bolle stresses the urgency of collaboration among EU countries and citizens in tackling transnational crime. Fugitives often exploit the porosity of borders, making collaboration and information sharing crucial in their apprehension. The ENFAST community, with its specialized officers, plays a vital role in ensuring that reported tips are swiftly acted upon, contributing to the success of the campaign.

Since its establishment in January 2016, the EU Most Wanted list has proven to be a highly successful initiative, yielding significant results in the pursuit of justice. Out of the 408 fugitive profiles listed, a remarkable 146 arrests have been made, underscoring the effectiveness of this collaborative effort.

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Notably, 50 of these arrests can be directly attributed to the publication of fugitive profiles on the official website. The power of public awareness and engagement has played a crucial role in bringing these wanted individuals to justice. Moreover, 21 cases have been successfully resolved since the launch of last year’s campaign in September 2022, showcasing the ongoing commitment to closing cases and holding criminals accountable.

Extending Reach Through Outreach and Social Media

In a bid to broaden its impact, this year’s campaign aims to extend its outreach across various social media platforms. By actively engaging audiences in all EU languages, the initiative seeks to maximize awareness and encourage participation. The increased focus on social media underscores the evolving strategies employed to ensure a wider and more diverse audience is reached.

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ENFAST’s Pivotal Objective

At the heart of these efforts is ENFAST’s unwavering commitment to enhancing EU security. By skillfully tracking down and apprehending internationally wanted criminals responsible for severe crimes, ENFAST plays a pivotal role in preventing these individuals from evading justice. The collaboration among national police forces across EU Member States exemplifies a united front against dangerous criminals, emphasizing the collective determination to curb cross-border criminal activities.

As we reflect on the past successes of the EU Most Wanted list, it becomes evident that the initiative continues to be a beacon of effective collaboration and commitment to justice. Moving forward, the campaign’s extension to social media platforms signals a progressive approach to maximize impact and ensure that the collective efforts of EU Member States lead to even greater success in the pursuit of justice.




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