Introducing “CyberDelegate”

Cyber Delegate Magazine
2 min readJan 8, 2023


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In International Relations, Cyberspace has become a significant focus. Cyber-espionage, cyberattack, hacktivism, internet censorship, and other technical issues get mentioned as national security issues, or in the news of diplomatic tension between nations. Some of the examples of this include the cybersecurity deal between the United States and China, where both sides accused each other of network infiltration and of stealing confidential information from companies and government agencies. There were also national security concerns of cyberspace. The war in Ukraine had an effect on the cyberspace and policies associated with it. The national critical infrastructure was under attack as a result of the war causing havoc amongst civilians. Therefore, cyberspace has become a contested political space, shaped by diverging interests, norms, and values. Due to this politicization of cyberspace, diplomats have a crucial role to play in analyzing and mediating these issues.

“Due to high levels of cross border connectivity in the cyber world, a new approach for cybersecurity must factor in the International dimension. Thus, instead of exclusively focusing on cyber defense or cyberwar, it is essential to begin to develop ‘cyber diplomacy’”

So, what is cyber diplomacy?

Cyber diplomacy is said to be an evolution of public diplomacy, also called public diplomacy 2.0. The development of the cyber-diplomacy is a response to the shift in international relations. Cyber diplomacy can be defined as an attempt to facilitate communication, negotiate agreements, gather intelligence and information from other countries to avoid friction in cyberspace, bearing in mind the foreign policy agenda. It is also seen as an attempt to use diplomatic resources and functions to secure national interests concerning cyberspace. Generally, a national cyberspace or cybersecurity strategy offers insight on the foreign agenda. It also includes cybersecurity, cybercrime, confidence-building, international freedom, and internet governance.

What is the difference between cyber diplomacy, e-diplomacy, or digital diplomacy?

In many articles, cyber-diplomacy is considered to be same as e-diplomacy or digital diplomacy. However, these concepts differ from each other. While cyber-diplomacy involves managing foreign policy in today’s age, e-diplomacy or digital diplomacy reflects on the impact of new technology on the objective, tools, and structure of diplomacy. Digital diplomacy or e-diplomacy is the study of the use of ICT tools and method for diplomacy and foreign affairs. However, cyberdiplomacy involves diplomacy, conflict resolution, agreements and policies that is surrounding cyberspace.

CyberDelegate’s Mission:

In the world where cyberwar is common, we believe that solutions can be achieved through collective effort by direction, drive, delegation, dialogue and diplomacy (cyberdiplomacy) . Cyberdelegate is the platform that provides quality expert analysis of all cybersecurity, cybercrime and cyber psychology related issues of International Relation concern.

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Cyber Delegate Magazine

Delegation & Dialogue for Cyber Diplomacy & Cybersecurity. This is an initiative by Cyberdiplomat LLC and Citizenry Cybersuraksha Association .