GigTricks : Ico Review

Gilang Permana
2 min readJul 26, 2018


Being a freelance worker is one of the professions you can take. Especially in today’s technology is starting to advance and find the heyday. The existence of internet technology allows us to access and communicate globally. There are many types of jobs for freelance on the internet based on the field. But from the whole field, there are still many problems and the most important thing is about trust, transparency and security both from the freelancers side and from the employers.

No doubt there are still many good scams from freelancers who only get paid without doing their job or otherwise the employers who do not reward or pay for the results of the performance of the freelance. This time there is a company that will provide solutions to these problems and make the freelance world more advanced by providing access to the world and guaranteeing security, transparency and trust. They call themselves with Gig Tricks. Here’s a little review of the Gig Tricks project.

Furthermore, the main objective of Gig Tricks is to build a blockchain-based ecosystem that will accommodate the interests of freelancers and the on-demand economy worldwide and provide opportunities for anyone who feels excellent competence to get a job and increase income from home and also spend needs with transparency guarantee, high trust, and also guaranteed security. Associated with the sale of their tokens is still ongoing until September 30, 2018 and is still in the presale stage where the purchase bonus is still very large and here is a good opportunity for you to reap a high investment return with them. They have managed to collect about 54% of their minimum sales target and the sales time is still very long. Of course, their token sales will be a great success.

Cukuo so much information from me about this Gig Tricks project. For more information and more details you can follow their official link which I will share at the end of this section. Hopefully useful and thank you for visiting.


Website | Whitepaper | Token Sale | Telegram | Twitter | ANN

One Pager | Deck Presentation | Technical Paper

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