Electronic Discovery Expert Witnesses | Cyber-Forensics

2 min readOct 31, 2022


Our technical and security specialists have extensive experience dealing with highly sensitive and confidential information. Cyber Forensic Expert Witness provides expert testimony to courts, regulators and clients. He has also used best practices to secure proprietary and confidential information.

Our experts can provide assistance to organizations dealing with complex data and information management issues. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to solve any data, information management or cybersecurity issues. Our team has more than 20 years of combined experience in providing cybersecurity and cyber forensic services for private clients, government agencies, and businesses. These issues are our speciality. We offer consulting and assessments.

Our Electronic Discovery Expert are specialists in the detection, prevention and investigation of cyber threats. The cyber security experts at Cyber Forensics are well-trained in the evaluation and analysis. Expert witnesses in IT security and technology compliance are subject matter experts who can provide testimony in both court and legal cases.

Technology Compliance Security Expert Expert Witness
Our work on IT standards is a key part of our everyday lives. Cyber-Forensics is able to provide services for the largest and most respected brands around the world, thanks to its over 20-years of experience in designing, implementing, managing, and deploying managed cybersecurity solutions. See also Cryptocurrency Recovery Services




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