How I got a Hacking Certificate From IBM for Free!

Cyberic Technology
3 min readOct 30, 2022


Certificates alone do not decides your skills and professionalism but they do uplift your profile and will help you land a job more easier. Here is how I got my certificate from IBM for free-

IBM is well-known for being one of the biggest tech-firm manufacturing tech related devices and IT solutions. IBM recently teamed up with other tech-firms like P-Tech,Red Hat and Fortinet to provide a free learning platform called SkillsBuild where students can learn everything for free and get certificates.

How do you sign up?

I personally found out in a blog and decided to join at SkillsBuild . You will need an email address and your home address to create an account at IBM or you can just sign up automatically if you use gmail. (Note: you will need to choose JobSeeker before signing up since this account offer more cyber security courses. Choosing JobSeeker grants you more courses but you must take the psychological test at MyInnerGenius) After signing up, you need to set your names and living address.

How to enroll in course?

Step:1 Enter Cybersecurity Fundamentals into search bar

Step:2 Click the Cybersecurity Fundamentals module

Step 3: Click as shown below

This will redirect into the course and you can start learning by clicking the blue icon!

Creating your Credly account

IBM certificate is free but you need to have an account at to claim it so, we need to create credly account at . Signing Up into Credly is quite simple so I will not be going any details on creating an account.

Does IBM certificate worth it?(Big Question)

First of all, this is a free course but the informations and knowledge you will be getting is more important than the certificate. From my learning experience, you wouldn’t be learning on how to bruteforce in ssh or using metasploit in this course but rather about conceptual stuffs and insights about cybersecurity. The learning time is not that long that if you could give yourself an hour a day you can complete it in just 10 days. If you are already a professional, you should use your time studying OSCP certificate instead of chasing for IBM since it is for entry-level learners.

This is pretty much about how I got my certificate from IBM for free. Does it worth it in terms of learning? I would say yes, since you are getting knowledge about some of the concepts like information systems and job roles but in terms of functional hacking, you wouldn’t be learning much. Thanks for reading, you can subscribe to our Emails newsletter at so that you won’t miss our interesting articles like this.

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