How I Got SONY swag

Bharath Kalyan
2 min readDec 26, 2022


Hello Bug Bounty Hunter , penetration tester , Security researcher .

I am Bharath Kalyan from Chennai , India .

This is my First bug bounty write up .

In this Blog , I am going to talk about how I got Sony swag .

I Decided to get swag from Sony . so I started test the Sony website.


I Started with subdomain enumeration . I personally used the Subfinder to find subdomains .

Subfinder found the number of subdomains and then I used the httpx tool to find status of subdomain .

usage of httpx

Then I Randomly picked the one 200 response subdomain which is contain the login page .

1) In login page I enter the wrong username and password .

2) Capture the request in burp suite and send it to intruder .

3) Mark the username field and add the payloads (100 usernames)

4) Start the attack and the server returns the 200 response not 429 response .

5) The Server didn’t block me .

then I reported to sony team .

Bug Name : Missing rate limiting protection for the Login form .

Impact : An attacker can freely bruteforce any username and can takeover any account

I Got sony swag 😊😎

Thanks :) happy hacking

