10k Blueprint: How To Earn 10k Per Month

15 min readFeb 15, 2024


The majority of people that are really making it big online every month are using passive income models to do this. They are not trading their time for money and they know that a small amount of time invested in their business will make a big difference every day. They are making money while they sleep.

There are many passive income models that you can choose from and we have selected the top 5 for you in this article. These are all fairly straight forward to implement and they have unlimited potential.

We want you to use this article to your advantage. We have provided the main reason and the biggest drawback of each model so you can make the decision which way you want to go. You will be on your way to making big paydays every month if you take the appropriate action.

You will need to give consideration to the amount of money that you are prepared to invest into your passive income model. It is possible to do some of them for free but if you can invest money into your project then things will happen faster for you.

So choose your passive income model wisely and we wish you every success!

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Email Marketing

This is one of the most popular passive income models because it works really well and has been for many years. It is fairly low risk and if you do it right you can build a large list and make several thousand dollars per month.

A lot of people are put off from list building and email marketing because they think it is too much work. There is certainly some work involved in the beginning to set everything up but this can be outsourced.

There are several advantages to building a list and participating in email marketing:

  •  It’s fun and exciting to watch your list and income grow
  •  You will be building a valuable asset
  •  List building and email marketing are not difficult
  •  You can make money on demand
  •  You have an immediate traffic source
  •  Live the Internet dream
  • Let’s take a look at all of these benefits. The first is that it is fun and exciting. This is very true. Once you get going with list building you will get a real buzz every time a new subscriber is added. The size of your list defines the potential that you have to make money. Doing something that is fun and exciting will keep you motivated.

There are many other passive income models out there that do not involve capturing email addresses for list building. These models rely on driving traffic to CPA offers or something similar and there is no asset building taking place.

If your CPA marketing business stops then the money stops. If you have a good list of subscribers then you can stop working on your email marketing for a while and the money can still be coming in. The larger your list the more valuable it will be.

There is nothing difficult about email marketing. Sure there are some things that you need to avoid but if you take a common sense approach then it will all be straight forward for you. You do not need any technical skills to set up your sales funnel or set up your autoresponder. You can get started with email marketing very quickly.

Making money on demand is a very good reason to get involved with email marketing. You need to take care of your email subscribers and provide quality emails to build trust. You can make related offers to your list and there will be a percentage of them that will make a purchase and generate revenue for you. You can do this at any time.

Traffic generation is one of the biggest problems that Internet Marketer’s face. When you have a reasonably sized list then you have an immediate traffic source. You can send out an email with a link to your website or offer and watch the traffic flow.

Many people get involved in online marketing because they want to live the Internet dream. This means that they will have financial freedom and time freedom. Once you have everything set up then this is certainly achievable with email marketing.

Main reason to choose Email Marketing

Low risk and easy — you can get started in email marketing for a very low cost. You will need a domain name and web hosting and an autoresponder service but everything else you can do for free

Biggest Drawback with Email Marketing

It takes time — this is not an instant passive income model. List building takes time and if you want to develop a large list (which you should) then you will need to be patient and consistent.

Product Creation

This is another great passive income model that has a ton of potential. It does require more work than some of the other models but the rewards can certainly be worth it. The hardest thing about product creation is coming up with the ideas for new products. This isn’t difficult though as there are lots of websites that you can visit to see what is in demand.

You need to choose a good niche for product creation where money is being spent. If you are an expert or have a passion for one of these niches then all the better. Some examples of niches where money is being spent regularly are:

  •  Health and Fitness
  •  Make Money Online
  •  Dating and Relationships
  •  Self Help

If you are an expert in another niche then you need to assess whether there is a big enough market to sell your products. If you do a Google search and see a lot of ads on the right hand side for your niche then you are on to a winner. If not then it is best to go where the money is.

You do not have to be an expert in a niche to make good money from product creation. Plenty of people have proved this in the past. What you need to do is address a problem that a lot of people are having in the niche. An example of this is “traffic generation” in the make money online niche.

Once you have chosen your niche you can find forums where people will ask specific questions. Look out for the same question being repeated over and over again and not being satisfactorily answered. This is a good opportunity for you to create a product which solves the problem.

You can create a digital product to solve the problem. This can be a document in PDF format or a series of videos. Videos have a higher perceived value than PDF’s so you can charge more for your product.

There are a number of ways that you can sell your product once you have created it. If you have chosen the make money online niche then you can use the Warrior Forum and create a “Warrior Special Offer (WSO)”. Alternatively you can list your product on JVZoo, Warrior Plus or Clickbank. Why not create a WSO first and then list on another website?

The big advantage of launching an offer on a niche forum is that the traffic is already there. The second advantage is that you will get reviews from purchasers which you can use as testimonials.

If you are going to create your products yourself then you will need some tools. A word processor like Microsoft Word or the free Open Office Writer is essential. Both of these programs can be used to create final documents in PDF format.

If you are going to create videos then you need to consider if you will be appearing in them, whether you will use slides and narrate or whether there will be “over the shoulder” training. You will need a good screen capture program such as Camtasia or Cam Studio. A good video camera and microphone are also a good idea.

You can always outsource the creation of some or all of your products. There are some good ghostwriters out there that will create what you need. As for videos then it is recommended that you create your own.

After you have created your product you will need to create a website or a WSO and drive traffic to it. Having affiliates promote your product for you in return for a commission is a good idea.

Main Reason for Choosing Product Creation

You can generate good income quickly — once your product is ready you can list it on a forum marketplace and make some really good money fast. After this you can list it on a marketplace site such as Clickbank for future sales.

Biggest Drawback with Product Creation

It can be a lot of work — no one ever said that product creation was easy. But it can be very rewarding. If you are going to do everything yourself then it will take time to create your first product. This will get easier the more products that you create.

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Publish eBooks on Amazon Kindle

Here is a really good passive income model that earns some people thousands per month. You write eBooks that are of interest to people and then you publish them on the Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) system. Again it is about providing solutions to problems that people have in specific niches.

The really big earners on Kindle do so with fiction eBooks. If you have the creativity to write fiction then you should go ahead and do this but the market is a lot more competitive than nonfiction.

If you are just starting out with Kindle books then we recommend that you go for a nonfiction eBook in a popular niche. You can still make a ton of sales every month as people are always looking for answers and new approaches. The most popular niches on Amazon Kindle are:

  • Health and Fitness (particularly Weight Loss)
  • Business and Marketing
  • Self Help
  • Cooking and Recipes

There are examples of authors in the nonfiction genre earning 5 figures a month. They do not normally just have one book on Kindle but several. This is not as difficult as it sounds. Consider the Cooking and Recipes niche. There is almost an unlimited amount of recipe books that you could create.

To write a Kindle eBook it is always best to create an outline first. Your outline will contain your chapters and the sections within those chapters. From this outline you can start writing any chapter that you want. When your eBook is complete you can edit it for flow etc. If you need further information to complete a chapter then use search engines online.

Making a start on your Kindle eBook and following through with consistent writing are the hardest thing. You may have a full time job at the moment so make a commitment to finish one or two chapters each evening. Break from writing every hour and reward yourself with a cup of coffee or whatever you want when you finish each chapter. If you can write full time then set a goal to have your eBook finished in a couple of days.

Every eBook listed on Kindle has a professional looking ecover associated with it. The better looking your ecover the more appealing your eBook will be to potential buyers. If you have no graphic design skills or are short on time then there are some good ecover designers on fiverr.com.

Check out their customer reviews and the samples that they provide. Don’t just go for the cheapest option — take your time and find a good designer. Your ecover is very important and you don’t want to rush this. Be sure to add the book title and the author name to the ecover. If you can’t find what you want on fiverr then go to upwork.com or a forum like the Warrior Forum to find someone good.

With your eBook written and your ecover created it is time to publish. Kindle is a great opportunity for self publishing. Amazon gets tons of traffic to its Kindle pages and you can instantly publish. No negotiating with publishing houses or being rejected by them.

Create a free Amazon KDP account and provide all of the details that they require. This will include tax information. Once your account is established go to “Bookshelf” where you can self publish your eBook.

You need to research some good keywords for your eBook. To rank your eBook higher in Amazon search keywords and your book description will be considered. Follow the instructions to publish and then set your price. Be sure that your price means that you will receive 70% commissions from Amazon.

After publishing your eBook on Kindle let the world know about it. Your family and friends, social media followers and so on. You should be prepared to invest some money in marketing so that you can get good reviews and make more sales.

Main Reason for Choosing Kindle Publishing

Easy and low risk — you can write your eBooks yourself and it will not cost you anything. There is no charge for self publishing on Kindle. You could outsource the writing of your eBook if you prefer this. You can publish an unlimited number of eBooks and the potential is huge.

Biggest Drawback with Amazon Kindle

You need to make sales to get more sales — you will need to do some serious marketing to get your new eBook noticed. This will either take time or money (or both). It is not just a matter of publishing and they will come (unless you have been successful with other Kindle eBooks and people know who you are and like your books).

Create an Authority Blog

Did you know that there are people earning fantastic full time incomes simply through running a blog? Well there are and there is no reason why you cannot do this as well. It will take you a bit of time to establish your blog and build your audience but once you do this there are so many opportunities to make money!

Choosing the right niche is essential with successful blogging. If you choose a niche that is not very popular or doesn’t have a number of opportunities for monetization then you will be unlikely to succeed.

Think about the popular niches that you could get excited to blog about. Making money is always popular and so is health and fitness. Yes they are competitive niches but you don’t have to rank number one in Google for “make money online” to get the traffic that you need.

Having said that, SEO must be part of your blogging strategy. You need to conduct in depth keyword research about your niche to find those long tail keywords (keyword terms with three or more words) that have good search volume and low SEO competition.

Once you have found these keywords you can write blog posts around them so that you have a good chance of ranking in the search engines. For some long tail keywords it is possible to rank on the first page of Google without any external backlinks. This traffic is very targeted and completely free so make sure that you put the SEO effort in.

Your aim with your blog must be to provide high quality posts that add value. Your readers will really appreciate this and will share your posts on social media getting you more exposure. You need to create a blog posting plan which contains the titles of the posts that you will publish and when.

If you are not a good writer, don’t have the time or just hate doing it then get a good professional writer on board to do this for you. Yes it will cost you money but you will not have to agonize over writing.

There are several ways that you can monetize your blog. You can use ads from Google under their Adsense program and make money every time an ad is clicked. There are also native ads which work in a similar way.

You can sell your own products or services through your blog and also sell other people’s products for an affiliate commission. An audience that likes you and trusts you will be receptive to any products that you recommend on your blog.

There is also the opportunity to sell advertising space on your blog. Other marketers are always on the lookout for high traffic blogs in the same niche. Offer a guest posting service as well where other marketers can have a post published with a link back to their website for a fee.

Setting up your blog is really easy. All you need is a domain name, web hosting and the free WordPress blogging platform. You can install WordPress automatically on your domain using install software that your web host will provide.

Main Reason for Choosing Blogging

Easy to start and monetize — anybody can start a blog and turn it into a traffic powerhouse. You do not need any technical skills to install WordPress and post regular content to it. A high traffic blog offers many ways to make a considerable income every month.

Biggest Drawback with Blogging

Time and effort — blogging to make passive income is not a quick solution. It can take quite some time to get the traffic that you need to make really good money. If you are going to do everything yourself then you will have to be prepared to write a number of high quality posts every month to keep your audience happy.

Selling Physical Products through Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA)

This is a really great passive income model and success marketers are making hundreds of thousands per month and more from this. The concept is a simple one — you find out which products are selling well on Amazon and then source your own to grab a slice of the sales.

To be honest there are a lot of factors that you need to consider when choosing a product to sell on Amazon. You will probably be sourcing the product from China or somewhere else in the world so you need to take into account the weight of the product for the shipping costs.

It is not advisable to sell electronics. These items have a habit of becoming damaged when they are being shipped and the last thing you want is for customers to pay for goods that don’t work. It is always best to keep it simple.

Go through the popular categories on Amazon and note the ones that are selling well. There is a plug in for Google Chrome that will show you the Amazon “Best Seller Rank” and this is helpful for your product research. You can buy premium software that will help you to find product opportunities as well.

With Amazon FBA you will need to ship products to the Amazon warehouse with your branding on them. Amazon will charge you to fulfill the customer orders that you receive. They will handle customer service issues on your behalf.

Amazon is the world’s largest marketplace and you can sell your products in America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and elsewhere. It is a massive opportunity to make great passive income.

You will need to be in control of everything from sourcing the product to shipping and monitoring inventory levels. Having your product “sold out” may sound exciting but it is frustrating for the customers who want to make a purchase.

You will need to write a compelling product page for your products. If you are concerned about this then you can outsource the task to a good copywriter. You will also need good keywords in your title and description so that your listing will appear in Amazon searches.

Amazon FBA is an exciting business to be involved in and it has a lot of potential. There are a number of things that you must learn before you get started to minimize your chances of failure. You will need to invest in your first batch of product to test the market.

Main Reason to Choose Amazon FBA

The money making potential is unlimited — Amazon is the world’s biggest market place and millions of people like it and trust it. If they like your product offering then they will buy it. You can rinse and repeat and have several products listed.

Biggest Drawback with Amazon FBA

You will need to make an investment in the business — unless you produce the products that you want to sell yourself then you will need to pay the supplier for a test market quantity of say 500 units. This can run into thousands if the product is expensive to buy.


We have provided you with 5 smoking hot passive income models that you can use to make money. None of them are difficult to get started with and they all have good potential. You need to assess which one is right for you and then get started immediately.

Don’t just read this article and do nothing. The world of passive income is available to you but you have to take action. Choose a model and take daily action to make it happen. We wish you every success with your passive income model.

