Heroin for Mommy — Teaser #1 next Nele Hackers Book: Jane’s Deception

Nele Vonlanthen
2 min readJan 14, 2017


In our next book we will tell the story of Jane, our Deceptionista. You may remember her from our first book, “Ayden’s Choice”. Here are some teasers episodes to get you interested.

The green hat is missing the badge, and the sash she cut from a green t-shirt has signs drawn on it in black sharpie. But when she twitched her eyes to look into the mirror her outfit matched the girl scouts’ she had found on google image search.

Jane was back with her mother for a while, as, once again, she had been pulled away from grandma’s fastidious care. Quite a clash of worlds, but to the young Jane, dropping in and out of middle school, it was the world as she knew ist.

“People will get it.” she whispered to her mirrored self.

“I’ll make them believe it.” she announced a little louder, turning to see her profile.

“Don’t you think so mom? Mom! Mom look?”

A thin figure appeared in the door and sank on it’s frame. One arm hanging numb, a trickle of blood running down it.

“Get me more… Please, will you get me more…”

A crackling voice burst out of the pasty mouth. The girl at the mirror tilted her head, put on a distorted smile, and danced to what seemed to be her mother.

“O mommy. Did you sting yourself again… Let me clean that…”

She grabbed the now trembling arm, and despite being two heads shorter she managed to fixate it, as she had had to do so often before. She pulled a hankie out of her pocket, wiped away the blood and pressed the bleeding dot for a while.

“Didn’t we agree that you won’t do this yourself anymore?” she chirped with an odd happy sound, hoping to awake some last remainder of life in that drifting mind.

The mother’s other arm swung around, grabbed her by the hair, pulling back the small head. She shouted, spitting in her eyes. “You fuck! Bring me more. I tell you. I can hit it myself. But you fucking better bring me more…”

The girl swung around, desperately trying to get out of her mother’s grip.. Only a kick to her leg made her finally let go. A crack appeared in her carefully maintained facade and tiny tears began wetting her eyes.

“But no, no, we won’t. We are strong…” Jane repeatedly slammed her hand against her leg — a tick she seemed to have more and more often.

“And now what?” the mother began all over.

… Continue reading here >>.



Nele Vonlanthen

Hi I'm Nele, this is my story! I escaped an evil religious cult by gaining digital powers and formed a group of real world heroes fighting for the good.