You should learn more about IoT security right now

CyberNoob Academy
3 min readFeb 23, 2023


Image from Praetorian

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing network of devices and objects that are connected to the internet. We’re interacting with the world differently thanks to IoT, from smart homes to industrial automation. However, cyberattacks are becoming more common because of this increased connectivity. Let’s talk about some basics of IoT security in this article.

What is IoT

IoT refers to a network of interconnected devices and objects with sensors, software, and other technologies to exchange data and connect to the internet. Smart thermostats, industrial machines, and everyday objects can all be part of this category. Through IoT, we can make life more efficient, automated, and interconnected by connecting devices and objects to the internet. IoT devices give us new opportunities for automation, data collection, and analytics, but they also bring new security and privacy issues.

Image from TIBCO Software

Examples of IoT devices

Smart Thermostats — You can control your home’s temperature remotely with these devices by using a smartphone app. Those things can also learn your habits and adjust the temperature accordingly, saving you money and energy.

Smart Home Security Systems — You can control your home’s security remotely with devices like door locks, cameras, and motion detectors.

Industrial IoT Devices — In industries like manufacturing, logistics, and agriculture, IoT technology is being used to monitor equipment, optimize operations, and improve efficiency. Using sensors, you can monitor machine performance, track inventory levels, and automate stuff.

IoT security

IoT security is a set of measures and strategies to keep IoT devices and networks safe from unauthorized access and cyberattacks. The more connected devices there are, and the more data they generate, the more IoT security is needed.

One of the biggest challenges of IoT security is that many devices weren’t designed for security. Device manufacturers often prioritize convenience over security, which leaves devices vulnerable to cyber attacks. In addition, IoT networks can be hard to secure because of their sheer number and complexity.

Image from GadgetGUY

An effective IoT security strategy involves device-level security, network-level security, and data security. Some device-level security measures include encryption, secure boot, and secure firmware updates. Network-level security may include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and network segmentation to isolate IoT devices from other devices. Data security involves the use of data encryption as well as access control measures in order to protect sensitive data generated by IoT devices.

IoT security best practice

  1. Understand the Risks — IoT devices tend to prioritize convenience over security. They may not have robust security features in place, making them vulnerable to hacking, data theft, and denial of service attacks. Understanding the types of threats that can attack your IoT devices is critical to understanding these risks.
  2. Keep Devices Up to Date — There are often security updates released by manufacturers that fix known vulnerabilities. The best thing you can do is check for updates regularly and install them as soon as they come out.
  3. Using strong passwords — You don’t want to use easy-to-guess passwords like “12345” or “password.” Instead, use letters, numbers, and symbols. You should also use a password manager to remember your passwords.
  4. Segment Network — By segmenting your network, you can isolate IoT devices from other devices on it. It can prevent potential hackers from accessing other IoT devices or sensitive data on your network if one is compromised.

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