What Is Screen Time Parental Control, and Why is it important to have?

5 min readJan 4, 2023


Parenting has never been simple, and nobody can ever truly assist. However, as you gain expertise, you will eventually be able to distinguish between right and wrong.

In this day of technological change, it is fascinating to observe how your children are engaged to screens for communication, pleasure, and even school presents particular difficulties.

However, not all technology is harmful. On the contrary, it makes it possible for our kids to travel the world, learn about subjects that interest them, and stay in touch with loved ones.

Technology, however, can also expose young children to things we want to keep them safe from, such as strangers, inappropriate images, hate speech, and cyberbullying.

As children get more involved in such activities, parents need to be more aware of the risks, challenges, and opportunities that come with technology.

At the same time, limiting screen time and keeping up with the rapid development of technology are equally important.

The difficulty nowadays for most parents is weighing the benefits and drawbacks of providing their kids with internet independence.

Most parents know that limiting their kids’ access to the Internet may hinder their capacity to grow and learn. But doing so also exposes them to dangers and knowledge that is well beyond what they can manage.

Because having these effective Screen Time Parental Control apps on all devices can be beneficial. It is the addition that every parent needs to their online lives.

They must be trained to utilize a security system on their gadgets like you educate your child to lock the doors alone.

There are a few reasons for using parental control software for screen time.

A new kind of child is being raised by parents today. While preschoolers use iPads for communication with their teachers and other students. Additionally, most schools have included computers and iPads in their courses.

Mobile phones are something that parents let their kids and teenagers use since they are terrific communication tools. Additionally, it aids parents in knowing where their children are and what they could be up to.

The difficulty nowadays for most parents is weighing the benefits and drawbacks of providing their kids with internet independence. Most parents know that limiting their kids’ access to the Internet may hinder their capacity to grow and learn. But doing so also exposes them to dangers and knowledge that is well beyond what they can manage.

For this reason, having strong parental controls on all devices is beneficial. It is the addition that every parent needs to their online lives. They must be trained to utilize a security system on their gadgets like you educate your child to lock the doors alone.

  • Cybersecurity

The industry of cybercrime is worth billions of dollars. To take advantage of people, organizations committed to cybercrime adopt nasty methods. According to a new survey, thousands of individuals are getting scammed on day to day basis.

A child’s brain is continually growing and picking up new skills. As a result, they could engage in harmful online conduct, such as unintentionally releasing excessive amounts of information, in their pursuit of knowledge. The safety of others as well as their own may be at danger as a result.

  • Time management

Screen time is a problem. Adults mesmerized by it may become psychologically disconnected from their environment and spend hours hooked to a tablet.

Unfortunately, a teenager has a far lower probability of overcoming this addiction than an adult.

Recent studies have found that excessive screen time in youngsters can result in improper posture, poor vision, insufficient sleep, and a lack of physical exercise in addition to the time it wastes.

By restricting their own and their children’s screen time with the use of parental control applications, parents can manage to impose a healthy lifestyle and establish restrictions and time limitations on the media their kids use. For example, establish media-free time and start engaging in activities like going for a walk, going for a drive, or playing a game.

  • Cyber ethics needs to follow

Positive parenting practices promote the development of the cognitive talent of good decision-making. Help your child navigate the internet environment in a pleasant manner, just like you would want them to in the real world. Make sure they recognize the benefits of moral conduct in both online and offline settings.

Inform them of the repercussions of online harassment, possessing and disseminating inappropriate content, and unethical hacking. Tell them that even if their parents tried, they couldn’t bail the offender out of these circumstances because there are unbreakable laws that protect the victims of such acts.

Make use of Screen Time Parental Control.

Your children are quick learners who can surpass you when it comes to technology, which is something parents of today must understand. Consequently, always try to think forward in two steps.

First, a number of parental control apps provide the ability to filter material on mobile devices and web browsers. With the help of these applications, you can limit the websites and terms your children may access and take charge of what they see online.

Similarly, you might also download monitoring applications that will inform you of how much time your child has spent online. Again, managing screen time in this way is unquestionably one of the best methods.

Cyber safe family

A fantastic strategy to restrict your kids’ online behavior is to install parental control software for limited screen time on all your Internet-connected gadgets.

This software has various capabilities that block inappropriate websites, let you know which websites your children are viewing, and allow your children to browse the Web freely. In addition, setting specified hours of the day or week that a gadget can use promotes healthy behaviors.

It is simple to use for busy parents who wants to monitor their children’s online activities with the help of reliable software like CyberSafeFamily, which has various features Time scheduler, Apps and Games blocker, Geo fencing, safe driving, Web filters and much more.

Young people nowadays are clever and smart. However, our parents are responsible for keeping them secure and guiding them toward making wiser decisions. Therefore, investing in a reliable security package teaches children the value of safety and common sense when exploring the internet world.




The CyberSafeFamily screen time app for parents makes it easy to monitor their kids' technology use. https://cybersafefamily.com/