IT Security and Company Reputation

4 min readFeb 26, 2018


Who is at the helm of reputation risk in your organisation? Who is responsible for it? What are the organisations’ capabilities when it comes to managing it? What is its impact? These were some of the questions posed by the “Reputation@Risk” 2015 survey carried out by Forbes on behalf of DTTL that saw around 300 leaders, board members and risk executives around the world queried on their view points on reputation risk.

A company’s reputation is not only affected by its performance but also by the business decisions and measures, which those at its helm make across its varied sections, including security. So how a company chooses to address cybersecurity, starting from its level of investment to alertness and a choice for a more holistic approach, may all weigh extensively on a company’s reputation.

The threat levels to enterprise IT continue to rise at very high levels with daily accounts in the media of large breaches and attacks. Whilst attackers and hackers continuously improve their ability to penetrate defences, organisations must be ahead of their game and work on protecting access and avoid attacks. Security risk leaders need to liaise by not only evaluating and assessing the latest technologies but also engaging with them to protect themselves from advanced attacks. They need to better empower digital business transformation and clinch new computing styles such as cloud-based platforms.

CIOs and CISOs should be well-prepared to explain clearly their company’s cyber risk profile and the measures they are investing in security concerns This is due to the upending rise of cyber attacks and their potential to harm companies’ brands, which was a poignant theme in the survey.


Deception technologies are established by the use of ploys, deceits and decoys to thwart the attackers or hackers’ cognitive thinking processes, thus disrupting their automation tools and detaining their activities. By making use of the deception technology behind the enterprise firewall, the organisation can detect hackers or attackers that have accessed the system and found themselves working confidently through their defences. Deception technology implementations range within multiple layers including endpoint, network, application, and data.

CyberSift’s anomaly detection is ahead of its game. Through the use of deceptive tools, Cybersift’s practice is that of misleading attackers by giving them the chance to waste their time attacking pointless targets whilst simultaneously studying their techniques — a practice that has aided governments to protect election campaigns. This method also provides security analysts adequate research on new techniques attackers are employing, to build more effective defences.

Network Traffic Analysis

Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) solutions monitor network traffic, flows, connections and objects for behaviours symptomatic of malicious intent. Organisations looking for a network-based approach to identify attacks that have circumvented parameters should regard NTA to help identify, manage and sort these occurrences.

CyberSift is not time series dependent like its competitors as it leverages unmonitored clusters and neural network techniques to increase its anomaly detection capabilities. Some anomalies, such as DNS request structure, do not depend on time.

CyberSift does not involve writing complex and intricate queries in order to initiate its algorythms. Neither does it require the fine-tuning of mathematical perimeters required by other generic logging platforms. As a security-focused platform, CyberSift makes sure that its own developers and data scientists specifically design models and define parameters for you.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

MDR delivers services for buyers looking to improve threat detection, incident response and continuous –monitoring capabilities as they lack the resources or the expertise to do this on their own. Demand from small or mid-sized businesses and small enterprise space has been high as MDR services are just the ticket for organisations that have not invested in threat-detection capabilities.

CyberSift offers a “Managed Security Service”, which offers customers a selection of three options:-

-Bronze: This service offers advice on utilising CyberSift and enhances a company’s security approach.

-Silver: This includes the services offered at Bronze level and further to that a service of having a CyberSift security analyst, who will log in to your CyberSift installation remotely and produce monthly reports regarding alerts and threats as well as other anomalies found. In addition, the same security analyst would offer advice on mitigating these issues as well as provide security consultation services.

- Platinum: Other than the comprised services of Bronze and Silver, the role of CyberSift’s remote security analyst would be taken on weekly instead of monthly.

CyberSift provides you with the opportunity to delegate any security concerns to third party professionals, leaving you with ample time to focus on your business.

Gartner identifies the top technologies for security in 2017 <>

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Intelligence Augmented Cybersecurity. A hybrid IDS which leverages both signature & anomaly data mining techniques to simply cybersecurity