Major News: Israeli Space Security Chief Reveals Extraterrestrial Life and Trump’s Knowledge of It

5 min readDec 12, 2022


In a shocking turn of events, the former head of Israeli space security publicly came out and declared that not only does extraterrestrial life exist, but that Former President Donald Trump is aware of it. This major news came as a surprise to many. Certainly if true it will have wide-reaching implications for the world and its leaders. In this post, we will discuss the details of the startling revelations made by the former Israeli space security chief and what it could mean for humanity.

Introducing Haim Eshed

Haim Eshed is a renowned Israeli space expert and a former head of the Israel Defense Ministry’s space directorate. He has served in the military since 1965 and is a retired three-star general in the Israeli Air Force.

Eshed has earned numerous awards throughout his career, including the Israel Security Award in 1987, the Israel Prize in 2006.

Eshed is a distinguished lecturer, having taught at various universities, such as Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Technion Institute of Technology. He was also the first director of the Israeli National Center for Space Research.

Eshed has written several books about space exploration and security, such as The Star Wars Program and Space — Horizons for the 21st Century. His research focuses on satellite launches, rocket engineering, and space security.

In an interview with Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot, Eshed made headlines after claiming that extraterrestrial life exists and that Donald Trump knows about it. This incredible statement has sparked immense interest in the media and scientific community alike.

Eshed’s Claims

Recently, a shocking revelation came from Haim Eshed, the former head of Israel’s space security program. In an interview with Yediot Ahronoth, Eshed stated that extraterrestrial life exists and that Donald Trump is aware of this fact.

Eshed went on to explain that there is an agreement between the United States government and a Galactic Federation of aliens, who he said were eager to keep their presence hidden from the public. He believes they are doing so to avoid mass hysteria among Earth’s population.

What Trump Had to Say

The UFO community was set abuzz when Israeli Space Security Chief Haim Eshed made his shocking claims about extraterrestrial life and former President Trump’s knowledge of it. The 87-year-old former general was quoted as saying, “There is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here.”

Naturally, the revelation has sparked intense curiosity about the President’s opinion on the matter. However, Trump never publicly commented on Eshed’s claims or the existence of extraterrestrial life. White House Press Secretary at the time, Kayleigh McEnany, did make a statement on the matter simply saying that President Trump was aware of the reports but had not been briefed on the subject.

Whether or not Trump actually knows more than he’s letting on is yet to be seen. However, it’s clear that the recent news has caused many to speculate whether the U.S. government has been keeping the existence of extraterrestrial life a secret.

What Others Think

Many people are wondering what this could mean for our planet and if this could be the start of a new era in global politics, as we navigate an ever-growing number of international issues. It’s possible that the news of extraterrestrial life could lead to a new understanding between countries and help bridge long-standing divides.

Many are also questioning whether this revelation from the former Israeli space security chief is actually true. After all, it would be unprecedented for such a high-ranking individual to make such an assertion without being able to provide any evidence.

Finally, some are curious about the implications for space exploration. Could the news of extraterrestrial life be a sign that the US will soon expand its efforts to explore other planets and galaxies? Could there be a new wave of astronauts heading out into the unknown?

Only time will tell how this news will affect our world, but it is certainly an exciting development!

What This Means

The revelation that extraterrestrial life exists and that President Trump is aware of it has huge implications for the future of humanity.

Firstly, it opens up a range of possibilities in terms of the types of resources we can use and the technology we have access to. The potential for interstellar travel and space exploration are especially exciting, as well as the knowledge we could gain from studying other species.

Secondly, it could mean a shift in how we view ourselves and our place in the universe. We may need to reconsider our relationship with nature and our responsibilities to our own planet and its inhabitants. We may also need to redefine our understanding of diplomacy and international relations, given that extraterrestrial life could potentially be part of our decision making process.

Finally, the existence of extraterrestrials could change the geopolitical landscape, as countries compete for resources or seek diplomatic solutions with other species. As such, it is important that we remain open to the possibilities that come with the news of extraterrestrial life and President Trump’s awareness of it.

This is undoubtedly a major discovery that will shape the way we live in the future. We can only hope that whatever comes of this, it brings us closer together in understanding and acceptance of life beyond our planet.




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