The Mysterious UFO Wave of 1978: A Thrilling Journey through Italian Skies

5 min readJun 29, 2023


Step back in time to the year 1978, where a series of inexplicable events gripped the Italian skies, captivating the nation and sparking intense public debates. This compelling account will take you on an adventure filled with bizarre encounters, intriguing sightings, and magical beings. From fishermen disappearing without a trace to UFOs resembling lighted doughnuts, join us as we delve into the enigmatic world of Italian UFO phenomena.

The Year of UFOs

Unveiling the astonishing statistics of 1978, we discover that Italy became a hotbed for UFO sightings, with more than 500 documented cases throughout the year. Renowned ufologist Richard Hall sheds light on this phenomenon, revealing that over 130 of these cases involved close encounters, while 25 reported encounters with humanoid entities. The impact of these sightings reached such heights that they permeated public discourse, even finding their way into the hallowed halls of the Italian Parliament.

The Italian Skies Alight

On December 17, 1978, the New York Times echoed the extraordinary happenings in Italy with a headline that read, “Italian Skies Peppered By Lighted Doughnuts — Some Say UFO’s.” Reports flooded in from military and law enforcement personnel, prompting national newspapers to consider regular columns dedicated to UFO sightings. The stage was set for an unprecedented exploration of the unknown.

Unveiling the Enigma

As we immerse ourselves in the intriguing cases of 1978, one incident stands out. In the province of Sienna, barber Rivo Faralli had a life-altering encounter with a shining, disc-shaped object that landed in front of his car. Dr. Roberto Pinotti’s meticulous investigation of this event revealed astonishing details about two humanoid beings that emerged from the craft. Their otherworldly appearance and interest in Faralli’s vehicle left an indelible mark on the witness and raise profound questions about their intentions.

The Gnomes of Villammare di Sapri

Venturing further into the Italian UFO wave, we encounter the peculiar tale of Constantina Imbibo, who witnessed an enormous orange sphere transform into a gnome-like humanoid. Clad in an orange outfit adorned with fish-scale patterns, this being’s actions and appearance transcend the boundaries of our understanding. Similar encounters reported by the indigenous Maya people lend credence to the possibility of a profound connection between cultures.

Dancing Lights and Floating Beings

Journeying to Adrano, Catania, we join a group of locals returning from Mt Etna, only to be pursued by humanoid figures emanating a blinding white light. Their synchronized, robot-like movements and levitation above the road defy conventional explanations. Meanwhile, in Chieti, a baker named Amerigo Rocci witnesses five figures gliding effortlessly in the night, carrying an enigmatic shovel-like apparatus. The mystery deepens as we attempt to decipher the purpose behind these supernatural actions.

Otherworldly Encounters

The Bucco family’s encounter near San Vito Chietino reveals a startling phenomenon: a strange little man crossing the road in bounding leaps, followed by a dazzling light that halts their vehicle. Their description of brown astronaut-like suits, large helmets, and unison movement leaves us contemplating the intentions of these elusive beings. Additionally, Alfonso D’Aviero’s encounter sheds light on the magical powers possessed by these dwarfish humanoids, leaving us awestruck by their ability to vanish in an instant.

Unraveling the Mystery

As we near the conclusion of our adventure, we reflect on the wealth of evidence and testimonies gathered during the UFO wave of 1978. Experts in various fields, including ufologists, psychologists, and scientists, grappled with the enigma and attempted to unravel the truth behind these extraordinary events.

Intriguingly, some researchers proposed theories that connected the Italian UFO wave to ancient folklore and legends. They argued that the sightings of gnome-like beings, similar to those reported in Villammare di Sapri, could be linked to local myths and stories passed down through generations. This perspective opened up a fascinating discussion about the intersection between folklore, collective consciousness, and extraterrestrial encounters.

Psychologists also delved into the psychological impact on witnesses of these otherworldly encounters. Many individuals reported feelings of awe, wonder, and even spiritual awakening after their experiences. The psychological ramifications of encountering the unknown became a subject of intense study, with researchers examining the long-term effects on witnesses’ beliefs, worldviews, and overall well-being.

Scientific experts scrutinized the physical evidence left behind by these encounters. They analyzed soil samples, radiation levels, and electromagnetic anomalies to uncover any tangible traces of extraterrestrial presence. While some findings were inconclusive, others hinted at potential anomalies that defied conventional explanations, adding a layer of scientific intrigue to the overall investigation.

Legacy and Continuing Questions

As the years passed, the fervor surrounding the UFO wave of 1978 gradually subsided. Yet, its legacy endured, leaving an indelible mark on the field of ufology and the broader public consciousness. The events of that year sparked a renewed interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life and opened doors for further exploration and study.

Decades later, the question of what transpired in the Italian skies remains unresolved. Skeptics offer alternative explanations, attributing the sightings to natural phenomena, misinterpretations, or even deliberate hoaxes. However, for the witnesses whose lives were forever changed, the encounters remain deeply significant and defy conventional skepticism.


The UFO wave of 1978 stands as a captivating chapter in the history of Italian ufology. The mysterious sightings, encounters with humanoid beings, and unexplained phenomena continue to intrigue researchers and enthusiasts alike. This thrilling journey through Italian skies has shed light on a period when the unknown captured the nation’s imagination, leaving an enduring legacy and countless unanswered questions. Whether one believes in extraterrestrial visitors or not, the stories of those who experienced the UFO wave of 1978 serve as a reminder of the enduring human fascination with the mysteries of the universe.

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