Cybex Decentralized Exchange
3 min readNov 8, 2019


October 16 — November 8, 2019 BIWEEK SUMMARY

  1. CybexDex nodes voting benefits are distributed to users in proportion from now on.
  2. October 21st, the referral mechanism of BBB was launched where users could enjoy at most 100% transaction fee rebates.
  3. October 29th, a warm-up event of BBB contract trading competition was launched, which ends successfully now.
  4. November 7th, BBB contract trading competition was officially launched.
  5. A new version of BBB will be launched soon, which adds the community module.
  6. A new version of Web 2.0 has been released, and atomic swaps have also been launched.

#Research Progress#

1. A new version of BBB will be launched soon, which adds the community module.

2. A new version of Web 2.0 has been released, and atomic swaps have also been launched.

CYBEX atomic swaps: it can avoid transaction risks of both parties using non-standardized contracts and self-negotiation transactions when they exchange assets.

#Operational Progress#

1. CybexDex nodes voting benefits are distributed to users in proportion from now on.

CYBEX, as a trusted node of ChainX, distributes CybexDex nodes voting benefits to users in proportion in order to encourage users who hold PCX to vote Cybex nodes and give great thanks to Cybex communities, promoting the prosperity of the community.

For more details, please refer to: CybexDex Nodes Voting Benefits are Distributed to Users in Proportion from now on.

2. The referral mechanism of BBB was launched where users inviting friends could enjoy at most 100% transaction fee rebates on October 21st.

Users invite friends to register BBB and make transactions from October 22nd to November 30th. The referrers and invitees can enjoy at most 100% transaction fee rebates once a real transaction is made.

For more information, please refer to an article: BBB Referral Mechanism is Launched and Users can Enjoy Benefits during the Event.

3. A warm-up event of BBB contract trading competition was launched on October 29th, which ends successfully now.

Users can predict BTC price will go up or down. If someone is right, he/she will share 10,000 USDT; especially during the event period from October 29th to October 31st, if right, she/he can receive three benefits.

For more details, please refer to an article: A Warm-up Event of BBB Contract Trading Competition is Launched to Win 50 USDT.

4. BBB contract trading competition was launched on November 7th.

For more details, please view: BBB Contract Trading Competition Has been Launched. Participate in the Competition Now to win Benefits!

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QQ official assistant QQ number: 2438385058

Weibo: https://weibo.com/6430643251

Bihu: https://bihu.com/people/206540

Tencent video channel: http://v.qq.com/u/history/

[Overseas social platform]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CybexExchange

Medium: https://medium.com/@cybexexchange

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC 9 N6ezP48bG4z 8mZdK-Dudg

Telegram group: https://t.me/CYBEXEnglish



Cybex Decentralized Exchange

A decentralized exchange forked from BTS, higlighting atomic swap, bank-level security, centralized match-making, etc.