(Download) I Fell in Love With Hope By Lancali

Cyb Kinch
3 min readJun 11, 2024


I Fell in Love With Hope By Lancali

[PDF] I Fell in Love With Hope By Lancali
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I Fell in Love With Hope By Lancali

The sterile, unforgiving landscape of a hospital became an unlikely breeding ground for love. It was there, amidst the hushed whispers and the ever-present scent of antiseptic, that I met him. A mischievous glint in his sun-kissed eyes, he became my beacon of joy, a stolen breath of life in that desolate place. Our connection, fierce and pure, made his suicide, a tragedy that unfolded before my very eyes, all the more soul-crushing.

The pain of his loss carved a chasm in my soul, leaving me clinging to the jagged edges of a vow: Never again. I will never love again.

But the human heart, much like hope, is a stubborn thing. It refuses to be silenced, to be contained. And so, I found myself drawn to three souls who, like me, bore the weight of mortality with a defiant spirit.

There was Sony, our fearless leader, his one remaining lung fueling a burning desire for freedom. Neo, the wordsmith bound to a wheelchair, chronicled our exploits, from petty thefts to daring acts of rebellion against the iron rule of our ward nurse. And then there was Coeur, the gentle giant with a heart of gold, his failing body belying a strength that ran deeper than muscle and bone.

Bound by our shared mortality, we were more than friends; we were a band of rebels, a makeshift family united against the encroaching darkness. We were thieves of joy, snatching moments of laughter and light from the jaws of despair.

With the clock ticking on our borrowed time, we dared to dream of escape. This wasn’t just about fleeing the confines of the hospital; it was about outrunning the specter of death that loomed over us, casting long, cold shadows on our already fragile lives. We craved freedom from the suffocating grief of our parents, from the ever-present reminders of our limitations, from the stark reality of our diagnoses. We yearned to taste life beyond the sterile walls that held us captive, to carve our own destinies in the time we had left.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Our carefully crafted rebellion, our meticulously planned heist of freedom, was thrown into disarray. A new patient arrived, a girl whose mischievous smile mirrored the boy I had loved and lost. Her eyes, alight with an inner fire, held the warmth of a thousand suns, reawakening a dormant ache in my chest.

As she seamlessly wove herself into the fabric of our little gang, I found myself wrestling with a terrifying truth: my vow, the fortress I had built around my heart, was crumbling. The fear of loss, a constant companion since his death, battled against the burgeoning hope that bloomed in her presence. Could I, after vowing never to love again, risk the agony of losing another piece of my heart?

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Cyb Kinch

Here are a few bios, all under 160 characters:**Short & Sweet*** Living life one adventure at a time. 🌎✈️* Spreading joy, one smile at a time. 😊✨* Lover