Reigning in the Sing

Cyndilu Miller
1 min readMar 2, 2015


Reigning in the Sing - a Poem by Cyndilu

Reigning in the Sing!

There is a song in my heart! And it sings out to the LORD who Reigns.

This is not the singing in the rain type it is the reigning in the sing!

My hearts melody is turned towards heaven — for it is there that my love lives.

Tis in this world that He Reigns for us — His love forever He loves and gives!

Some say there is a melody in our heart and I say that the love in our hearts IS the melody itself!

Cyndilu 200x295 IMG 0071 Honoring those who have gone before us!

Cyndilu Sharing Life through…
Sing-Speak, Photography, Writing, and ASEA!
You can connect with her on facebook at



Cyndilu Miller

A Creative Mastermind helping Authors with Visual & Voice Branding & Social Media Strategies for using Social Audio Apps to boost the impact of their message!