Infographic how and why use it?!

Cynthia E Thiago Bampi
4 min readJun 22, 2019


When we are in social media, the first thing we usually look at a post is an image right?! We already learned about editing your images in the other post. Now we will talk about infographic for Social Media platforms, the most popular ones are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Why do Infographics?

Infographics offer endless opportunities for growing your audience, earn links, generate engagement, bring awareness to your brand or even improve your Google ranking.

The first thinking you need to have before you start doing your infographic is, don’t think too hard, and don’t put all this pressure into yourself or the creativity will run through the door. So take time, breath. Think about your audience, what would be engaging to them, build a few buyer personas, and start creating the content.

Use Google Search for your topic

Once you have a topic, don’t forget to use Google search and type the keywords related to your topic and see how engaging they are for the last 6 months. If they look promising, it is time to start the process, if not, let’s go back to brainstorm and buying personas again.

Infographic Content

Do your research get as much data you can about the subject you are trying to put on your Infographic. Try to look for data that is not easily available, but credible, like PowerPoint presentations, PDF’s and others.

Infographic Types

The beautiful thing about infographics is that they are very informative, and you don’t have to add too much writing into it, some common infographic themes can be quotes, charts, facts, and others. Today we are going just talk about this three.

Inspirations quotes usually will perform better on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Is usually not a hard content to create, and can engage your audience by delivery an inspiring message with a clean and specific look.

Example of Inspirational quotes Infographic

Charts also can perform really well on social media and engage your audience. The possibilities are endless, they can inform, educate, be humor, inspire, be creative… When creating a chart for social media, don’t forget the design part like colors, typography, alignment, those things definitely will help your chart to be engaging for your audience or not. If the design is not your expertise you can create great charts using graph make or bean, they are free and easy to use.

Different types of charts you can create (

Facts can make a visual content standout more in social media. By the word infographic, you can tell that you are informing with a design right?! Inform your audience with beautiful design and a fact. Just try to use relevant sources for your facts, they can be more credible.

Fact Chart (


Once you figure which type of infographic you want to use for the infographic type you need to come up with the content, you also have to plan how to make this information appealing to your social media channel and audience. For design help and ideas Canva is a great app you can use, is free and can help with a beautiful and professional look.

If you decide to create your own infographic be mindful of color, images, content. Vertical infographics are better for social media when you scroll up and down, so be mindful of it. Be creative and make it beautiful, and post in all social media platforms you can. Remember, infographics are powerful images, so make it count.

When your infographic is ready, you need to publish it and let your audience know about it. By given them the content they need you will increase your channel and audience.



