Random Flash Fiction #1

Samuel Roe
2 min readMay 8, 2018


Image prompt provided by InspiroBot.


Mr. Paulson closed the door of the car, giving Derek, his five-year-old son in the backseat, a weak smile before returning to the curb and the short woman standing there.
“Once again, I apologize for my son’s behavior, Mrs. Abbott. It won’t happen again,” he said, extending his hand.
Mrs. Abbott took his hand and shook, her eyes filled with amusement. “Don’t worry too much about it, Mr. Paulson. This happens more often than you might think.”
Mr. Paulson laughed. “That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one who has to figure out how to explain why we shouldn’t lick people.”
“What do you think I have to tell the kids before their parents pick them up?” Mrs. Abbott replied slyly.
“Fair enough,” Mr. Paulson replied. “I hope you don’t mind if I say I hope it’s a long time until I see you again.”
“Take care of your son. He’s a great kid,” Mrs. Abbott said. She waved and then walked away, returning to the school building behind them.
Mr. Paulson sighed and slid behind the wheel of his car, adjusting his seatbelt as he watched his son in the rearview mirror.
“Derek . . .” He said slowly, “do you understand what you did wrong?”
“I licked Jenny,” Derek replied. “But dad, if I’m not supposed to lick people, why do we all lick each other at home?”
Mr. Paulson sighed again. He’d expected this question. “Because we’re werewolves, son, and that’s what werewolves do. But you’re at a human school now, and that means you have to fit in. Humans don’t lick other humans.”
“But Jenny is my friend,” Derek said, “how am I supposed to tell her I like her?”
“I know it’s degrading, but you’ll have to do as the humans do. Just tell her,” Mr. Paulson replied. “Now how about we go get some ice cream, huh?”


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Check out the next one here.

