Cypherium AMA: You Asked, We Answered

Published in
9 min readSep 22, 2018

Technical Questions

When will we see a Mainnet, approximately?

We are working hard to deliver the mainnet. However, we are trying to make sure that we deliver it under the best conditions. First, we want to wait until we are out of the bear market. Second, we want to focus on ramping up all other items like sales, marketing, and operations to have a solid foundation. Finally, if all the stars align, we are looking to launch before the year is over.

When will we see mining specs?

Currently, we are exploring different mining algorithms. We love this work, and we want to get these fundamental decisions right. We are also very cautious in sharing the specs because we don’t want others to replicate our schema.

What’s the final bug number found and fixed and how is the audit company’s evaluation statement for the cypherium blockchain?

The audit is still in process.

How is the ADA team involved in cypherium, co-developer or partnership in the future? Will cypherium make a formal announcement regarding it?

Serokel, who together with IOHK worked on the development of Cardano, is helping us develop a number of aspects of our code. However, we’re not involved with IOHK or the Cardano foundation.

When will the yellow paper be available?

An initial draft of the yellow paper is being written as we type this. Publishing it, however, will take some time.

What can you say about the newest benchmark results?

We have already reached the physical limit of algorithms. Those projects that claim to work faster than Cypherium do not have the same standards of decentralization and security that we hold paramount.

Will there be new token metrics?

It’s possible. We will continue to evaluate the best metrics for longevity as well as the particular conditions of the market.

When will the main net be launched?

ETA Q4 2018/Q1 2019

What will be main net coin specifications, block time, block reward, coin algorithm?

We will release that data after gathering feedback from the testnet.

How does Cypherium compare to other leading blockchains? When will we see a table comparing the different ones to Cypherium?

There are lots of blockchain platforms on the market today that all claim to have their own perk and quirks. However, we see most of these companies as circumventing the real issues facing blockchains. Cypherium is focused on making meaningful progress towards scalability while remaining truly decentralized. It’s a great question, and we’ll continue to write about why we stand out in this landscape.

Is it possible to migrate an ethereum based Token on to the Cypherium blockchain?

Yes, Cypherium is designed to be compatible with Ethereum smart contracts.

Is it possible to migrate an Enterprise Cypherium smart contract generated token onto the public Cypherium?


Why was the promise of main net never updated? The team could’ve seen it coming from miles away. Wanted to attract new investors?

We want to deliver the main net and are working hard to deliver a quality product. We have experienced difficult challenges throughout the development process, thus caused the delay. The development is still on-going. We will get there soon. We also want to attract new investors. That is why we are doing an AMA and getting more folks to help us deliver this plus help attract new community members.

Questions Regarding Our Private Sale

Are you still planning to fix the price with eth in main sale at the exchange?

Unfortunately, we cannot discuss this concretely until we launch the mainnet.

I am interested in this project for a long time and in this group since March, but the private sale minimum contribution was too much. Will there be an option to buy Cypher before exchanges? Or any other early adopters benefit opportunities?

Awesome! Yes, you’ll be able to buy our coins when our mainnet launches on exchanges. Stay tuned for the exact dates.

How are you thinking about compensating the pre-sale investors?

Cypherium is a smart contract platform, and its coins are used as a utility token in the operation of its blockchain. Our focus is to deliver a technology that will transform the world. We look to you all as support as we provide this tech!

Is the eth price floor still valid?

Yes. Since ETH has dropped way below when the private sale took place, we’ll use USD instead.

What are the sale stats of private and sandbox sale?

We’re keeping this information private, as the sale itself was private. All the public sale information will be, of course, public. Thanks very much for your understanding.

What happened with the hack? How many funds were lost? Why was there never an official statement?

For legal reasons, Cypherium will not publically disclose the specifics of our financials. Security has always been (and continues to be) an issue for this industry. Cypherium is taking the best possible measures to keep its system safe and its funds secured, and we feel confident that our business and our investors’ interests remain on-track.

How many tokens have been sold during pre-sale, how many during sandbox sale?

Unfortunately, private sale details are not disclosed to the public.

How will you reward early investors? What are the plans to adjust the token distribution in a way that will compensate for the high ETH price at the time of purchase and taking the inflationary high number of tokens into account, especially as initially the impression was created that all pre-sale tokens (5% of total supply) would be allocated to presale investors?

We’re as frustrated as our investors with the Ethereum collapse. We hope that the currency and will continue to gain adoption in the future, driving up its price. However, we are unable to change the fact that Ethereum has dropped in value.

If it is possible, why doesn’t the team create a CPH Genesis token on a Genesis Enterprise Cypherium which can be traded on Ethereum as well?

We are our own blockchain, and our coins are utilities to operate that blockchain. Placeholder tokens don’t really help us towards this goal.

What are the funds being allocated to? Team, partners, flights?

We are using our funds to pay for staff and to promote what we are doing via a PR agency and conference sponsorships. We have also hired new agencies to support our communication, ensure regulatory compliance, and catalyze business development efforts in order to deliver a product that will generate revenue after it is released. To provide context, our highest paid employees are Sky and Nate who receive $4000 monthly salaries.

Community-focused Questions

When will we see marketing?

Our focus is on building community via social channels and business development to get partners, Also we are focusing on developing press that sheds light on our innovations and thought leadership. We have hired some PR and social media firms to get this going.

Why are Javier and Nate that quiet?

Javier and Nate were previously working on internal issues. Now Javier is working on marketing/communication while Nate is working with Crowd on community relations. They have been quiet because they are focused on making sure the business operations and community is moving in the right direction.

Could Sky, Nate or Javier be more present?

Sky, Nate, and Javier are working with the Crowd network to deliver our message. When there were announcements, they might also show up themselves.

When will the bounty campaign start?

The bounty campaign will start (ETA) beginning of next month. This campaign will be focused solely on encourage developers to interact with our protocol.

When will the new homepage go online?

The beta version will be ready next Monday. We expect to launch it next week or the following week.

Do you consider Cypherium’s investors and community to be a crucial part of Cypherium’s future success? If this is the case, what specific plans do you have to restore the trust and enthusiasm that has been lost in the past few months over poor communication and broken promises?

Our only promise in our presale was that we would deliver a cutting-edge blockchain that will solve the fundamental issue of decentralized scalability. We are keeping this promise. If you meant the delay of mainnet release, it was an estimated date but never was a promise. We hear you. We know how frustrating this process has been: the team has wanted the mainnet to launch as bad as anyone. We are dedicated to our technology, and that is the greatest dedication we can give to our early community.

Can you please clarify Emin Gün Sirers exact current role and affiliation with Cypherium? Can you please clarify the current role and involvement of Nate and Javier? Who are the current team members and advisors and which changes have been made?

Emin Gun Sirer is our technical advisor.

Under the jurisdiction of which country does Cypherium operate?

Hong Kong, SAR of China

What is the projected token distribution date?

The token will be distributed when mainnet launches.

What are Cypherium’s marketing plans leading up to and post-launch? How will you leverage your relationships within the crypto community and media to ensure Cypherium is seen as credible and relevant?

Javier Farfan is an experienced marketing executive and a key member of our team. An AMA isn’t really the space for us to lay out our entire marketing strategy, but suffice it to say we are going to continue developing the Cypherium brand through a number of different partnerships, articles in business and trade publications, and bringing our technology to bear in the real world.

What about our second advisor Mr. Jeremy Gardner? He never came into the picture ever, is it still with us? If not, then why?

Jeremy is still with Cypherium :)

What was the reason the former mod teams were fired? Before shreibi (the amazix and others)?

As for Amazix, they wanted a degree of control over our decision making that we were not comfortable ceding. We are bringing in more professional help from a firm to drive increased engagement in all of our social media channels. They will also help our organization work more efficiently and transparently.

Business Development Related Questions

Which exchanges are you negotiating with?

We are in touch with several top-tier exchanges; in fact, we have been for several months and have developed relationships with them. However, we cannot disclose these relationships in detail, as this violates some exchanges’ terms.

What can you say about coming partnerships?

We are working with different potential partnerships. Recently, we’ve been sitting in a lot of meeting with those who have reached out to us, as well as focusing on our more general public enterprise pitch.

Why did you start the cypherium enterprise project before releasing cypherium public chain?

The enterprise chain will help us gain partners and create use cases during the “off-season” that this bear market has created. Also, it will help the dev team get more feedback before releasing the public chain.

Is there any news regarding the UN deal?

We are currently in negotiations with one of the UN’s sister organizations to help with a development project in Africa. These negotiations are on-going.

Is there any possibility Cypherium will consider a security token along with utility token in the future? For example, a utility token for public blockchain and a security token for private blockchain.

Maybe as a separate project. However, we’re trying to focus on the useable blockchain!

What is the team doing to ensure a proper exchange with volume will list CYPH?

The team is working hard on negotiations with exchanges. Because of the bear market, though, listing on major exchanges has become a more prolonged, rigorous process, but we’re well on our way.

Can you clarify what the plans for the Cypherium enterprise version are? How will you assure that investors who provided the funds for developing the (public) Cypherium blockchain will benefit from the enterprise version?

More adoptions, more endorsements, more reviewed code, and broader publicity. Ethereum, for example, has its own EEA for enterprises.

