Earth Hour being Interconnected on the Global Society

Cyreniel Claros
4 min readOct 9, 2021
Representational Image (Photo Credits: File Image

“Earth Hour’

The earth Hour is a symbolic action towards increasing people’s awareness of the planets’ needs, climate change, etc. The special day aims to spark a global conversation on protecting our planet and nature. “Earth Hour is an initiative to encourage individuals, businesses, and governments around the world to take accountability for their ecological footprint and engage in dialogue and resource exchange that provides real solutions to our environmental challenges.” (official website)

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“We started Earth Hour in 2007 to show leaders that climate change was an issue people cared about,” said coordinator Siddarth Das.

“For that symbolic moment to turn into the global movement it is today, is really humbling and speaks volumes about the powerful role of people in issues that affect their lives.”

Jakarta Youth #It brings people together
Radisson Blu Hotel Tashkent Earth Hour
Tea-light candles created a world map in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

There are occasions where we come together to celebrate with our loved ones like birthdays, anniversaries, and on some occasions with the whole country like Republic Day and Independence Day. But there are very few occasions where the whole world comes together. Earth Hour is exactly that. Earth hour is an annual environmental campaign organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The pictures above show the support of our youth, the elderly, and even our government by turning off non-essential electric lights from an hour at 8:30 -9:30 pm on the last Saturday of March.

We rely on natural systems, which are very vital for our future. Unfortunately, the global loss of nature over the last half-century is unprecedented needs urgent global attention. Nature provides us with clean air, water, food, and services worth a trillion every year. Earth Hour is important as it allows us to work towards achieving better resources from nature, as well as envisioning what our lives will be if we do not fight for the planet.

Earth Hour helps us see what our lives can become if we neglect mother nature. As such, it has inspired other movements all over the world aimed at protecting nature and the environment in general.

Earth Hour 2021 to be marked digitally: WWF

The director of General WWF International said, “the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us new ways to work together and support one another. As we emerge from this challenging health, social, and economic crisis it is important that we continue to work together to face the planet's climate and nature crisis.” In this Pandemic time that we experience we can’t do the usual but through this new platform where is the media we can still make connections to one another.

Earth Hour 2021 Official Video — ft “Together in This” by Natasha Bedingfield

The videos show how we connect together in this new platform and the importance of Earth Hour, and what could it do in our World. In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to work together and support each other. We must stand in solidarity to safeguard the health of our planet — our one shared home and in turn our own health and well-being. Let’s come together to #Connect2Earth and protect nature for the future of people and the planet.

