What happens in Vegas need not exactly stay in Vegas

Cyriac Biju N.
5 min readMay 5, 2020


Before you go on imagining stuff, let me cut it short by stating that I only meant my adventure in Vegas. Nothing else. Period.

Continuing off on my trip, the flight from Washington was at 8:10 PM and I reached McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas by about 10:10PM. Now, if the flight took 5 hours how did I reach at the time I mentioned? Well, it’s enough if I succeeded in ruining your mood with an ill-timed math problem, it all falls down on time Zones. Now, without further annoyances from my part lets go ahead.

After we collected our bags from the conveyer belt, we assembled in front of the airport. The pre-arranged bus came to take us to the hotel. The fact that Nedhi was no longer our driver was depressing. We were driven to Excalibur, our hotel. Keeping up with the traditions of Las Vegas, the hotel was superbly themed as a Medieval castle of sorts, complete with a medieval jousting tournament called Tournament of Kings. And, of course, the hotel also housed a casino, to which I was denied access to. Duh, because of my age, not that I was blacklisted or anything. Since, it was after midnight when we finally reached our rooms, We passed out on our medieval themed beds.

You know those advertisements that claimed, “Vegas style breakfast” and I’d be all sceptical as to how could it be any better. Hmm, I was completely ignorant of the experience that was Vegas style breakfast. For starters, you have the bread items like Italian Bread, croissants, bagels…complete with Bacon, poached eggs, sausages among other classic combinations. Then there was Italian, Latin, Chinese, Salad Stations. Oh, did I also mention an all-you-can-drink station with soft drinks. After somehow making room for all this (by having a little of everything), the dessert section had different flavoured ice creams, cakes, brownies, tarts, you know what, I’m going to stop now. By now you would have realised the glutton I am, I had a hard time dragging myself to the room. Thankfully, we only had to report a little late that day, by 11’o clock. We were joined by the guide for Las Vegas, Mrs. Claire Lefevre. First, we visited the Las Vegas sign. I understand your confusion as to why a sign would be so important. Well, man don’t tell me you haven’t seen this anywhere.

Next, we visited the Bellagio Hotel (yeah, the one seen in Ocean’s Eleven). The hotel was really something else, there was a beautiful insignia in the front. The inside of the hotel was no different, a lovely garden with illustrations that were created by growing flowers. That was some talent.

The beautiful garden inside Bellagio
Inside the Bellagio, Las Vegas

Outside the hotel, was The Fountains of Bellagio, the famous fountain that dances to music. As the show only started from 3 P.M, the guide advised us to see the other attraction and come back later. From here we got to see the famous Caesar’s Palace and Paris Las Vegas, with a fake Eiffel Tower to show for it.

Caesar’s Palace
The iconic Caesar’s Palace.
Fake Eiffel Tower, Las Vegas
Behind the fake Eiffel Tower is Paris, Las Vegas

The next hotel we went to see the Venetian. Needless to say, the hotel oozed luxury. On one floor, the inside of the hotel even captured the canals of the actual Venice in Italy (I know, I’ve been there, 6 years back) with actual Gondola rides, how awesome is that? After the Venetian, our time with the guide was over and we parted ways, thanking her.

Then, after having lunch we went to Stratosphere Casino, Hotel & Tower. Its specialty? It is the tallest freestanding observation tower in the United States, conveniently overlooking Las Vegas — thus, being an excellent observation Deck. The view was absolutely awesome and terrifying.

After that we retired to the hotel, quite early I now. We had time to go explore until 6 P.M, when we would have to go for dinner. We did some exploring near the Hotel. Fun fact: Many of the famous hotels in Las Vegas are situated along the Strip (technically, Las Vegas strip). It was hard to stop myself from not cracking a pun. Just saying.

We finished our dinner, excited about what was to follow. Then came the attraction I was looking forward to the most: Riding in a Helicopter over Las Vegas. Man, Las Vegas was really a sight during the night, especially when looking from above. The pilot was a man who retired from U.S air force, who, according to him was never tired of flying. Each helicopter ride was for six people at a time, and of course we sat in the front with the pilot. Taking off on a helicopter is different than from a plane. The plane has a tiny window through which nothing is actually discernible. However, a tour helicopter is really different, with big see through windows on the sides, extending from the top till almost the landing skids (Okay, creativity/exaggeration kicked in). In other words, you see the ground beneath you. Here are some views from up above the world so high( in case the phrase seems familiar, took it from a nursery rhyme, no remorse)…

Even though not much is visible in the photo, it sure was beautiful to watch. Here is a photo of me in front of the helicopter, you know, just cause….

See the pilot in the back? Me neither

Remember that Bellagio fountain from before? We visited that after the helicopter ride. I do not know if you can appreciate the beauty and synchronisation between the music and jet of water from the video, but here it is.

Anyway, as always thank you for sticking around. Next time, I’m going to Hollywood.

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Cyriac Biju N.

I’m Cyriac and I love to code.I see myself as a jack of all trades( possibly master of none). And..I get to travel(sponsored by dad), so here goes nothing.