2018–2019 Corporate Hackathon Infographic: Stats, Trends & Outlook Show Hackathons’ Growing Role

Cyril Attia
5 min readMar 22, 2019

40% more hackathons were organized by corporates in 2018 than in 2016. To understand what’s driving this surge, we dived into our Hackathon.com database to learn more about the new trends in corporate innovation strategies, and how corporate-run hackathons have evolved over the years. We focused our analysis on two types of hackathons: public hackathons, where companies tap into the expertise of external parties, and internal hackathons run predominantly for employees.

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Surging Hackathon Popularity Has Many Sources

Public hackathons make up 64% of the total hackathons run in 2018. Unsurprisingly, tech companies are the largest player (27%) among all industries to host these events. They’re in it for the community-building and evangelization benefits. But what drives the remaining 73% of public hackathons run by non-tech companies in industries such as manufacturing and transportation (12% and 11%…

