Improving Driver Safety: A UI/UX Case Study On Challenges Encountered By Bolt Drive App Users.

Cyril Alexander Agubaeze
8 min readOct 11, 2023


Role: UX Researcher, UX Designer, UI Designer

Duration: 3 weeks

Methodology: User Research, Wireframes, UX Design, UI Design, Prototyping.

Tools used: Figma, Figjam by Figma.

Results: Research report, Wireframe, High fidelity prototype, Interactive Prototype.

Industry: E- ride share, Transportation.

Meet Stephen Doe, a dedicated driver who has been using Bolt Drive app since its arrival into Nigeria in 2017. He has seen Bolt rise to prominence, becoming a household name amongst Nigerians seeking quick, affordable, comfortable and safe mobility- a dependable alternative to often unreliable public transport system.

Stephen’s journey with Bolt Drive app hasn’t been without its hurdles. Over the years, he’s been confronted with challenges with a particularly pressing concern being the safety and protection of drivers, the lifeblood of Bolt ride share ecosystem. This issue has reached critical proportions, resulting in tragic loss of life, car thefts and life time injuries among his colleagues.

In this case study, we step into Stephen’s shoes to experience the struggles firsthand. My mission is clear: uncover solutions that can make Bolt Drive a safer haven for its users like Stephen and in doing so, pave way for a brighter future for Bolt in Nigeria.

The porous nature of the Bolt passenger app has posed to be a major safety concern to Bolt Drive app users especially in Nigeria. This situation puts these drivers at greater risk while they work via the app. This situations have made many Bolt Drive app users feel unsafe leading to many permanently signing out from the Bolt Drive app to avoid been victims.

My goal at the end of this user case study will be to develop effective solutions that will improve the safety and security of drivers while using the Bolt Drive app. This solution is aimed at boosting driver’s confidence and even entice those who left return to sign up once again.

User Research

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of Stephen’s challenges, I initiated a discovery research. This involved thoroughly going through prominent newspaper articles where drivers shared their experiences while working through the Bolt Drive app, review sections of the Apple and Google play stores where app users share their app use experiences. Among the numerous complaints examined, a consistent issue stood out, echoed by several of Stephen’s colleagues, as outlined below:

Extracts of app users pain points gathered during the research.

User Persona

I created a user persona which gives us an insight about the users of the Bolt Drive app. This persona encompasses information about the user’s background, personality traits, objectives and pain points.

Empathy Map

After analyzing newspaper articles and user reviews on Apple and Google Play stores, I created an empathy map to understand users’ emotions, actions, and surroundings related to their interactions with the Bolt Drive app.

Empathy Map

My discoveries

After conducting my research, I uncovered the following:

  1. The Bolt passenger app collects significantly fewer details from passengers compared to drivers during registration process.
  2. It was revealed that individuals can easily register on the Bolt passenger app using only a phone number and a fabricated name.
  3. There is a notable absence of comprehensive verification checks conducted by Bolt on its passengers while signing up on the Bolt passenger app.
  4. Tragically, car theft and incidents of violence, including murder have been successfully executed by criminals through the Bolt passenger app primarily due to these vulnerabilities.


At the outset of the ideation phase, I dedicated myself to crafting design solutions that not only stayed true to Bolt’s fundamental principles but also effectively tackled Bolt Drive app users’ pain points. My design journey began by sketching out design concepts in my notepad, establishing a solid foundation that would guide me throughout the entire design process.


Wireframes for the bolt drive app.
Wireframes for the bolt passenger app.

High fidelity Prototypes

Bolt passenger and drive app high fidelity prototype.

Design decisions/Solutions

Here I am going to explain reasons behind my design solutions.

New sign up feature

Upon downloading the app and registering as a Bolt passenger, I noticed that there were multiple sign-up choices available which includes options to sign up with a phone number, email address, or Facebook account.

However, I identified a potential security vulnerability in this setup. If someone chooses to sign up using their email address or a Facebook, it automatically carry’s the name used in registering. Passengers can easily use a fake email address or Facebook registered with fake names that is not traceable back to them. To address this concern, I decided to simplify the initial sign-up process by eliminating the email address and Facebook sign-up options, leaving only the phone number as the sole choice.

Face capture and verification option features

A preview of the new face capture and verification feature.

Continuing with the Bolt passenger app sign-up process, I observed that after entering my name and email address, it immediately directed me to the app’s home page, where I could proceed to book a ride to my desired destination. This can be observed below:

View Video

This situation reaffirmed the legitimacy of the pain point identified by Bolt Drive app users, highlighting the absence of any passenger verification process by Bolt. To address this issue, I introduced a facial capture and verification feature. With this addition, passengers are required to provide their facial identification, their legal name (to prevent the use of fictitious names, as mentioned earlier in the research), and a government-issued document such as an international passport, driver’s license, or national identity number during the sign-up process.

Profile edit feature disabled

Before and after of the edit profile screen.

While examining the edit profile screen within the Bolt passenger app, I noticed that users could modify their profile name at any time, except for the phone number. Additionally, there was an option to link to any Facebook profile to change the profile name, which raised security concerns as it made the Bolt passenger app vulnerable.

To address this issue, I took steps to enhance security in the new design. Specifically, I removed the “connect to Facebook” feature, preventing users from changing their profile name by linking to any Facebook profile. Furthermore, I designed the name input field to be in a disenabled state, making it impossible for users to edit their profile name unless the customer care are contacted.

Incoming ride request additional feature (on Bolt Drive app)

Showing the before and after of the ride request screen on the bolt drive app.

Following my examination of the Bolt passenger app, I extended my analysis to the Bolt Drive app to understand how the vulnerabilities in the passenger app could impact Bolt Drive users. To conduct a thorough case study, I attempted to book a ride from the Bolt passenger app and discovered a concerning issue: when a driver receives an incoming ride request in their Bolt Drive app, there is no proper identification provided. As evidenced in the before tagged illustration above. The fake name I used during the passenger app sign-up process was the only information visible to the driver. This situation exposes the driver to significant risks.

Upon identifying this issue, I proceeded to design a solution. In the proposed solution, when a ride request is received, the verified picture and name of the passenger will be displayed. This enhancement will enable Bolt Drive app users to confirm both the passenger’s identity and name, This also will aid the Bolt Drive user provide essential information and identification in the event of any violent incidents against the Bolt Drive app user.

User flow chart

Bolt passenger app user flow chart

All prototypes were created on Figma. Below is the link to all prototypes;

View Bolt Passenger app prototype

View Bolt Drive prototype

The future looks bright, especially for drivers using the Bolt Drive app. It can even be safer! I have a new idea called the “RED ALERT” feature. It would notify drivers about emergencies such as riots, floods, or earthquakes happening nearby. This is really important, especially in places without a good emergency alert plan. It can also warns drivers when ever they get ride request heading towards a dangerous/hostile part of the city they aren’t aware of. This will help them stay at high alert.

So, this isn’t the end for Bolt — there are exciting improvements on the horizon.

In the initial stages of this UX case study, I observed that Bolt Drive app users were deeply concerned about their safety due to frequent reports of theft and violent incidents. These fears led many drivers to permanently abandon the Bolt Drive app.

To address this issue, I conducted a research and came up with a design solution of integrating the “Face Capture and Verification” feature. This idea originated from the discovery that the Bolt passenger app lacked passenger verification during signup, leaving room for potential misuse by malicious passengers. Implementing this feature could enhance driver safety, by eradicating violent incidents, while also potentially attracting more users who seek a safer work experience.

In conclusion, adding the Face Capture and Verification feature presents Bolt with an opportunity to enhance app safety and expand its user base. This represents a positive step toward ensuring a better and more secure experience for Bolt Drive app users.


I welcome your feedback, including criticism, suggestions, honest reviews, questions, and your thoughts on this case study. I am eager to respond and engage in discussions.

I want to express my gratitude for taking your time to read my case study.

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