Visual Studio Code Remotely! On a web browser, even from your iPad/Tablet.

4 min readMay 10, 2020

This was a nice trick which I found to remotely login to my Visual Studio Code setup at my lab while I’m working from home. Usually, I’d had to get some SFTP plugin to remotely edit the files with my local VSCode but these extensions make it possible to simply get access to the VSCode itself. By remote, I mean you can get it to run on an AWS/Google Cloud instance as well.

Pre-requisite: Installing VS Code

In any case you don’t have it installed on the remote server, follow this guide from the official VS Code documentation.

Method 1: Remote Development Extension

This is the official extension released by Microsoft to enable remote dev. You can find on how to use it through this downloading the extension “Remote Development”. Just make sure you have your SSH keys setup to login, and Visual Studio locally installed, and thats it. Yeah, its that easy!

Configuration is quite easy, open up Visual Studio Code on your local machine. Then type in F1 to open up the configuration menu and select “Connect to Host”, then use the same details you use to SSH to your machine, and voila! Pro tip, make sure you have login enabled via SSH keys. I had an experience where the sshd process…

