Clean your environment clean your mind

Carlos Branco
2 min readFeb 10, 2017


Day 10/28

Took me a lot of years to realize how can external stuff influence my way of work and my results. It’s so sad that this type of knowledge no one teach you. In school maybe you can learn why you should have your notebooks organized but no one really tells you why you should do it.

You just… hmm ok if I have everything organized will be much easier for me to access to information. But it’s not just about fast access to information, it’s actually much more than that.

Our brain like I told you in the last article likes single tasks. So the more you can focus on one single thing the best your output will be. Our brain is like a crazy monkey. It’s really hard to control it.

Think about this you sit down and start to work on this desk.

How many objects can distract you?
How easy is for you monkey to get “wild”?

Now imagine that you sit down and start to work on this desk.

Can you imagine the difference?

If you are in a messy environment will be much harder for you to get good results. Doesn’t mean you can’t study for an exam in the middle of a Rock N’ Roll concert but it’s really unlikely that you would have a good result.

So save your energy and transform your workspace. Just invest 15 minutes per day.

Remove all objects that you don’t use. Maybe you just need one pen, you don’t need 10, and maybe you just need a pen once every 2 weeks. So get rid of all that and make sure you have few things has possible next to you.

Then turn on your computer and start mono-tasking. :)

Part 2 of this article

My Day

Today i did some design work and im still creating a database of client’s to start contact.

✔ Wake at 6:30 AM
✔ Walk 7KM
✔ 10 Hours of productivity (4h of them programming)
✔ Follow my schedule
✔ list is growing im creating a giant database
✘ Leave computer at 8 PM

Share your objectives with me and make sure you follow this journey. Let’s go Together To The TOP! 28 days of super productivity

