If you want to change your life it’s time to start to measure your performance

Carlos Branco
Fit Yourself Club
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2017

Today I am going to talk about the importance of record your progress.
A lot of times we plan to start something, but the way we define our goal it’s totally wrong. The only way to achieve a goal is to make sure that our goal is possible to measure.

Simple example: I will learn Spanish.
This is a really bad goal. You can’t measure what is “learn Spanish”.

What you should do instead is something like:
At the end of next year, I will be able to translate a medium article (1000 words) from English to Spanish.

This is the type of evolution you can measure.
Another example: I will start to exercise.
Bad bad bad…
This month I will walk 120km or This month I will do 50 pushups per day.
These two things you can measure so you will feel improvement and getting closer to your goal every single day. When your brain can see your end goal will be much easier for you to trust the process and keep the work.

So next time you want to change something in your life before you declare objectives think about these three key components:

  1. Your goal must have a deadline.
    BAD: I will write a book.
    GOOD: I will write a 30k word book during the next 90 days.
  2. Your goal must be possible to measure.
    BAD: Learn Spanish.
    GOOD: Learn how to order a dinner in Spanish.
  3. Record/Track your improvement
    You need to keep track of your improvement.
    For work, you can count Pomodoros, RescueTime or even WakaTime.
    For fitness, you can use an app to keep track of your runs/walks.
    And if you want to make pushups use your phone to record a video of you doing that and after 30 days you will see the difference.

This guy did it and it’s awesome to see him from the first day to the last:

We really have to understand how our brain works if we want to change our lives. Hope I helped you with this really small article.

My Day 21/28

It’s day 21 on my 28 day super productivity challenge. It’s insane to think that I already write 20 articles (miss one day). I already accomplished my objective of walk 150km. Today i felt a little bit burned out. I have to admit was a bad day on focus.

✘ Wake at 8AM Let my self to sleep
✔ Walk 8KM
✘ 7H20 … I start to felt a little burnout maybe because I keep using computer until 10 PM I really need to stop doing that
✘ Follow my schedule
✔ I have almost everything ready to start contacting client’s.
✘ Leave computer at 10 PM

Share your objectives with me and make sure you follow this journey. Let’s go Together To The TOP! 28 days of super productivity

