Why is it important to maintain a healthy work-study-life balance?

3 min readDec 10, 2019


Striking the perfect balance between study, life and work is a challenge many face and can be very stressful. Almost every student knows that sometimes it seems impossible to earn a living whilst studying for a degree. In fact, this is a major problem for all students today.

Student life brings the pressure of completing assignment after assignment, paying tuition and living costs and trying to make the most of your personal life. When trying to balance your social life, a part-time job and homework, you are stressed-out continually and feel enormous pressure trying to cope. Whatever the reason you are combining work with study, you require an efficient plan to cope with it all.

But how do we find the perfect work-study-life balance? It can be achieved with self-discipline and smart planning. Fortunately, there are many useful tips you can use to find balance and please find some listed here.

Stay Healthy

Stress is an integral part of life in general and a huge element in a student’s life. Thus, if you are unable to avoid high stress levels, you need to learn how to manage stress and stay healthy despite it all. Getting more sleep, taking regular breaks, going for walks, exercising and eating well are all things which will help you manage stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes the pressure of work can make you feel overloaded and keep you from sleeping well. But if you maintain your quality of sleep and food intake your stress levels will decrease, you will think more creatively and avoid making mistakes.

Schedule wisely

Schedule your classes, work and personal life wisely. Don’t overload yourself with tasks. Regarding your job, try and find a job where you can choose your own hours and schedule these around your classes. Allow for time to complete your assignments. Always be prepared for the unexpected. Making use of planners and calendar applications on your phone helps to keep you in check. These can be found on Google Play or iPhone. Even amongst all the craziness don’t forget to focus on yourself, friends and family.

Learn to say NO

Procrastination can negatively influence both your job and studies. Therefore, learn and know how to say no to people or things that distract you from your work and studies. Avoid such time-killers as social media and video games. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t relax but spend your time wisely.

MOST IMPORTANTLY have fun along the way!

It’s crucial to make time for yourself if you want to balance study with a part-time job. Don’t forget to have fun by spending time with family and friends or just taking a moment to relax. Celebrate your achievements and treat yourself, for example after an exam is completed. Working and studying at the same time is a challenge. But this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for you to succeed. Always keep your goals in mind and follow these simple tips above to stay motivated, stress free and healthy during your student journey.




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