To the aelf community: a recap of past four months

chen Zhuling
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2018

Dear aelf community members,

aelf’s first token was issued on December 20th, 2017 and we’ve come a long way since then. We are currently ranked top 50 on Coinmarketcap and have made an impact on all global markets including Korea and United States in such a short period of time. Aside from traditional exchanges, we are on all three major Decentralized Exchanges such as 0x, Kyber and Airswap. We owe tremendous gratitude to our token holders and supporters who have been with us since day one. Even during the tumultuous times this year, our token weathered the bearish market and we are finally back on track.

Aside from the token, we have expanded our team globally. We now have our operations set up in New York, South Korea, Beijing, UK and our headquarter is in Singapore. The main reason for our operational expansion is that we see aelf as an international organization that will bridge the gaps between the East and the West. After all, isn’t that the essence of Blockchain — an absolute Decentralization. We believe that Blockchain will start many cross-boundaries dialogues and we are excited to spearhead the efforts on this.

Both Haobo and I regard our community very dearly. We currently have over 1 million members inclusive of all of our social platforms and our candy system has over 4 million views. We owe it to our supporters. Our candy system describes the true meaning of aelf. We want to empower everyone. From individuals to corporations. Through our candy system, we give away tokens for menial tasks just in hope that these tokens will become one of the most valuable assets for token holders as aelf develops further. We want our candy system users to feel that they are a part of the aelf family and by doing these tasks, they’re helping the aelf team with it’s outreach. We had so much laughters and wisdom in the community conversations, check out our first collection of telegram moments:

We are very much focused on partnership and building more brand awareness. We sponsored Berkeley Career Fair and Women In Blockchain conference in hope to provide more Blockchain access and knowledge to future generations. We will be attending and sponsoring Consensus and Token Summit in New York in a couple of weeks just so we can have conversations started with companies that are looking to build on Blockchain. We see ourselves an active member of the whole Blockchain community. We constantly work on partnerships with interesting players in the field. We are one of the fortunate ones to try out team signal at Blockfolio.

aelf hopes to improve the Blockchain world by customizing OS for Commercial Use, by Cross-chain Interaction, by Performance Improvement, by Protocol Update and by setting up Private Chain Module. We aim to provide these facilities to anyone and everyone that are looking for Blockchain solutions. By keeping each sidechain focused on one Smart Contract and no data running through the mainchain, the aelf network will be able to isolate any congestion ensuring it will not affect any other chains. This will also allow for the best chain be developed for each project making it unique and perfectly suited for the customer needs and requirements.

We are also very excited to announce the creation of the Innovation Alliance, a coalition of some of the most prominent and influential industry players aiming to fast-track large corporations and startups on the road to Blockchain adoption. The alliance will provide valuable resources to businesses of all sizes interested in exploring Blockchain, including unparalleled industry insight and advisory support on how to integrate the technology into everyday commercial practices. We are joining forces with Signum Capital, Singapore’s largest and most influential Blockchain fund; FBG Capital, a major cryptocurrency and Blockchain hedge fund in the Asian region; Roland Berger, the leading global strategy consulting firm with German origin; Huobi Labs, the research and ecosystem-building arm of Huobi; and Michael Arrington, the prominent Silicon Valley mogul and Founder of both TechCrunch and Arrington XRP Capital. We are bringing the brightest minds in the industry together to explore business model innovation. We are also creating an effective test bed to bring startups and corporates into the Blockchain world. And we are also expanding an alliance network to radiate the aelf influence globally. For more details, please check the medium post at

We look forward to an exciting year and many more developments. But we just wanted to take this moment and thank you all for your tremendous support and love. We wouldn’t have made this far without you all.

