What the duck?

2 min readMar 5, 2024


You’ll have noticed our mascot, we hope! Now here’s the story behind it.

Although it seems like a random choice, we chose the duck based on an old tale spread amongst us geeks 🤓

The story goes: back in the day, a programmer would carry around a rubber duck (eh?) When trouble was afoot he’d explain his code line-by-line to the duck. For clarity, the duck added very little, however the process of talking through a problem is extremely effective. As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. Really this is a no brainer, however, in the developer space the term “rubber-ducking” means just this, and highlights the power of communication in problem-solving.

Here at d-three, we’re all about teamwork and transparent communication and believe in getting everyone involved in problem solving, developer or not! Sometimes it takes a different perspective to think outside the box, so when a bug is bugging us, client briefs are over-complicated or we can’t decide what to order for lunch, we take time to share it with the wider team. The process of explaining a tricky problem to a group of people armed with a diversity of experience and knowledge allows you to boil it down to its essence and often the solution is in the simplicity.

And thus — for us, the duck just fit. We’re a development team, we like problem solving but we value simplicity and we like talking, even if only to inanimate objects. If you’re looking for a development team, then what the duck, hit us up.

