My Daily UX Writing Challenge: Day 6 - Emergency Alert

Dinar Apriliana
2 min readJan 11, 2023

Like we knew that Monday is the most hectic day in the world, event it’s in Jakarta, so, currently we’ve got some traffic emergency alert like this, right?

Ok, it’s normal and this emergency message will warning us to avoid the traffic and give the best solution for us to take another routes.

Scenario: It’s Monday. A user has just gotten into their car to drive to work. They plug their phone into the car and start driving.

Challenge: How would you let the user know there’s a fire happening in a nearby town that is causing road closures? The effect on their commute is unknown, but there is a definite danger if the fire gets closer. How do you communicate this to them? When? Write it.

Headline: 30 characters max
Body: 45 characters max

So, I create this ideation UX Copy for Emergency Alert message:

To give the best solution for users, I put the word “Avoid the traffic on Pacific Place, take another routes" to inform users what they need to do to avoid the traffic on Pacific Place, SCBD, South Jakarta area.

Notion Article Link: [Dinar Apriliana]

Twitter post: [Dinar Apriliana]

LinkedIn: [Dinar Apriliana]



Dinar Apriliana

Just an ordinary simple girl who is love design and writing