3 min readOct 11, 2021


its coming features? and utility?

First of all lets start with, what is Juno?

JUNO is the native token for the juno network which is a cosmos built blockchain using the cosmos-sdk, juno’s main feature will be the fact it is a platform in which you can write/deploy or use interoperable smart contracts, but also much more as you will see further down.

what makes juno smart contracts stand out is IBC (inter-blockchain communication), this means that the smart contracts will be deployable on any IBC connected blockchain, while also being highly scalable, permissonless, cheap fees averaging pennies, average transaction speed being around 6.006 seconds.

There are infact as i write this 33 dapps/contracts & tools being made on juno just under 2 weeks since mainnet launch, so now to what other features the platform will offer:(these are in test-net still but will be ready when cosmwasm1.0 is released for main-net which is very soon).

JUNOMINT: you will be able to mint and create you’re own token to the specifics and supply in which you chose.

JUNOSWAP: juno will have its own in house dex aswell, juno swap will be a token swapping feature, plus more in the future.

COSMVERSE-NFT: cosmverse is a NFT market, looking forward to seeing NFTs grow in the cosmos space.

SCRAMBLE-CASH: not techy enough yet to know this but comparison to tornado-cash if you do.

plus many more in the future as its still early days in the juno network, i will bring a more updated version of what has been building and built in the comin months.

Now on to JUNO Utility:

STAKING TOKEN: To secure the juno network it requires asset holders to contribute to network security by staking there juno direct to the network, this how ever does have a 28 day unbonding period, by doing this you are then entitle to claim rewards through delegating your JUNO to a validator who runs a node securing the network. current JUNO apr stands around 160%

GOVERNANCE TOKEN: Governance is as important as staking because governance allows you to vote for proposals which implement change to the blockchain or add extra features to it, you will be able to vote if you delegate and stake juno to the network. your voting power will depend on the amount of juno you have so 1 juno equals 1 vote.

NETWORK FEES: Juno is the native token to the network, so any swap fees/NFT minting/IBC tranfsers will all be payed in juno, again these rewards are payed to stakers.

WORK TOKEN: JUNO will also be the main token used to for smart contracts.

The only places you will be able to buy $JUNO for the time being are osmosis dex & sifchain dex , soon to be listed on emeris HQ and many more dexes in the future.

I hope this has given you more insight to JUNO and what the platform is going to offer going forward. lets check back once everything is running on main net.

feel free to follow for JUNO updates:

https://t.me/JunoNetwork TELEGRAM

https://twitter.com/JunoNetwork?s=20 TWITTER

https://junochain.com/ check out there network

thanks for reading





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