My Experience in the World of IT

Adedamola Olusunmade
3 min readDec 28, 2021


“A journey from the beginning” is the phrase that best describes my experience with IT because I have always loved computers since I was in primary school, so much so that I became the Captain of the Computer Club exceeding many expectations. I learnt the basics of Computers and how to use them from the club and even improved my typing speed and efficiency.

My love for Computers never faltered and was indeed encouraged by my dad, who runs a Cybersecurity consultancy and two of my senior cousins, who are global Cybersecurity leaders in companies in Europe. They encouraged me to enrol in various Summer Schools over the years, where I learnt how to code in Java, Javascript, HTML and CSS, and how apps and websites function. As a 12-year-old, I won a website showcase competition in the summer school I attended and received certifications solidifying my expertise. My secondary school also selected me to participate in an Oracle code camp where I learnt the fundamentals of Databases and their uses.

Experiences and Certifications

I also have certifications that showcase the broad knowledge and understanding I gained in the courses I enrolled in, Examples include;

· Programming for everybody (Get Started with Python) By the University of Michigan

· IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate by IBM

· Introduction to Cybersecurity by Cisco

· Cybersecurity Roles, Processes and Operating System Security by IBM

· IT Fundamentals for Cybersecurity Specialization by IBM

· Cybersecurity Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies by IBM

· Cybersecurity Compliance Framework and System Security by IBM

· Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Specialization by the University of London

· 2022 Complete Python Bootcamp from Zero to Hero in Python by Jose Portilla

I am currently taking lessons with the help of the BNT Group, which are helping me prepare for the BCS Exams that will aid me in my journey to become an IT Expert. I have learnt about C Programming, Computer Networking and Information systems so far, and with the help of BNT, I know I will be able to learn more

My Expectations

Did I mention that I am only 16 years old and set to go to a University where I can increase and broaden my knowledge on Cybersecurity? I also want to change the world by making stressful and dangerous tasks easy and efficient with Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. With the current rise in technology, cybersecurity is needed for the smooth running of those technologies without the risks of security breaches. I am glad to know I can contribute to the smooth running of a society where life is made easier and more efficient with the use of technologies. I expect my efforts to make me a billionaire someday and to lead a world-renowned company, helping people and making life easy and efficient.

The Courses that I’ve taken have indeed helped me grow my knowledge as well as given me certifications that will help me gain admission into a reputable university. With them, I hope to also get a good job. Not only are the courses helping me in the IT world, but it has also helped me personally by identifying factors that can prove to be a security risk to me and my family. This is me on the starting block. STEM is life. Everything that was ever made came about via one aspect of STEM or the other. I cannot wait to contribute my quota to solving humanity’s problems. This is why I joined the British Computer Society.

Greatness beckons. See you there!

