Getting Started With Version Control — Part I

Working with Git & GitHub like a boss

Roberto Quezada
6 min readApr 27, 2018

This is part I of a three-part series on how to get started with version control using Git and GitHub.

One of the most important skills in your developer toolkit is knowing how to work with version control systems. From working on personal projects to building professional grade software, it’s part of today’s software development workflow and a critical component in protecting and managing your source code.

My goal is to give you an overview of how to use Git and GitHub together to put your source code under version control like a boss 💪🏼 - Let’s get started!


One of the most popular if not the de-facto version control systems used today is Git. From their website:

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Basically, it’s a system that save “snapshots” or different “versions” of all the changes you’ve made to your source code over time. It allows you to “go back in time” if you needed to recover files or changes within your files as an example.



Roberto Quezada

Cool Dad | Former Marine | Transformational Leader | Boston sports junkie. Oh and I do tech stuff!