Writeups VeniVidiVici CTF 2020

Vaibhav Jayant
3 min readFeb 18, 2020



Challenge name: RunitifYoucan

In this challenge, Exe file was given to us. On checking it with file command, it showed that it is a data file.

$ file challenge.exe 
challenge.exe: data

I checked the file signatures, and it was not `4D 5A 90 ` (the original hex of exe). It was `53 44 8E`.I tried running the file by changing the file signatures using hexedit, but it did not work. Then I tried XORing the bytes of our file and original exe hex. I found out that bytes are xored with 0x1e (30). Then I made a script.

for i in range(len(f)):

I tried to run it in Ubuntu using wine, but it showed some error, so I just checked the strings with flag format, and I got the flag.

$ strings ans.exe |grep -i “parsec”

The flag is : Parsec{x0R_oBfUsC@t!0N}

Challenge name: Spaces

By looking at the name of the challenge, it seemed to be whitespace esolang. You can find the challenge file here. I copied the content of the file and used this whitespace decoder. I got a huge binary number.


I converted it to the string using online Converter and got the flag :


The flag is : Parsec{m0$t_1mpr@ct1caL_!anguag3_U$ing_wh1t3$p@ce$}

Challenge name: Journey through space-time

In this challenge we were given a zip file which contained 300 jpeg having white dots at random places, you can see one of the photos below

1 of the 300 images in the zip file
1 of the 300 images in the zip file

To solve this, I made a python script and detected the coordinates of the white dot. The idea is to get all the coordinates and plot them on a new image.

The first step was to make a new image

from PIL import Imageimg = Image.new(‘RGB’, (640, 360),(255, 255, 255))

Then we have to open every image and get the white pixel of it

for i in range(300):
im = Image.open(‘nsW38Dh7Qx’+str(i)+’.jpg’)
pix = im.load()
for p in range(640):
for q in range(360):

The RGB of white dots was not precisely 255, so I allowed pixel value in range 250 to 255. If RGB value is in that range, then we change the color of our new image on that coordinate.

if(pixel_value>249 and pixel_value<=256):

In the end, I saved the new image as answer.jpg.


On running the code, I did not get a clear picture of the flag.

Github Link for the script is here

Image created after plotting all the coordinates

So I tried some online image tools, and by darkening the image, it was a bit more readable (https://pinetools.com/darken-image)

Image after darkening

The flag I got from the image was


But it was not correct ! so I messaged the author about the flag, and he said that I am very close to the flag need to change some letters to punctuation marks. So on discussing with my teammates, we tried to change the letter ‘ i ’ to ‘! ’ (exclamation mark) and submitted the flag.

It was correct !!!

The correct flag was : Parsec{gla@d_y0u_d!dnt_f@!nt}

PS: In the starting tried to solve this challenge with ‘ImageMagick’ to stack all the images on the first, but it did not work correctly, so I shifted to python.

We solved many other challenges also, I will try to post the writeups in a few days of those challenges.

