D5 Exchange Instruction1.1

D5 Exchange
8 min readFeb 17, 2023


Quick Guide

Ⅰ、D5 Exchange interface introduction

Ⅱ、How to operate Swap?

Introduce 3 Swap modes

Ⅲ、How to become a Maker in D5 Exchange?

What is Grid? How can I use it?

What is Relative Mode?

What is Advanced Maker Mode?

What is Toggle Mode?

Ⅳ、Other trading functions

How to add a new token?

Where can I check the order and transaction details?

Where can I check the operation history?

Ⅴ、I am new, how do I get started?

Create your own decentralized wallet

Setting up the Goerli test network and getting the test token

Ⅵ、Other common settings

Help Center

Product theme settings

Ⅰ、Exchange interface introduction

D5 Exchange testnet: https://app.testnet.d5.xyz/

Before starting, please ensure the wallet has been connected and switched to the Goerli test network.

This section introduces the main components of the D5 Exchange and key features. You can quickly locate the content in the tutorial below based on your needs.

By taking the ETH-aUSD trading pair to sell ETH as an example, the following sections will demonstrate the core features and their usage.

Ⅱ、How to operate Swap?

D5 Exchange not only has liquidity from Makers but also aggregates Uniswap V2, V3, and Curve, as external liquidity, allowing users to get the best exchange rate by choosing the source of liquidity themselves.

Introduce 2 Swap modes

  • Aggregation mode: in this mode, swap liquidity is provided by a combination of internal maker orders and external Uniswap V2, V3 and Curve;
  • Specific Grid mode: Aggregation mode off, in which the user can select the liquidity of a specific setting under the Grid for Swap

In addition, Swap users can do the same with ‘Swap’ in the main product navigation bar.

Through advanced settings of the top right button, users can set up Swap acceptable slippage and transaction processing time.

Ⅲ、How to become a Maker in D5 Exchange?

What is Grid? How can I use it?

D5 exchange offers users 3 modes of Grid in total: 0.01%, 0.05%, and 0.3%.

In general (not as operational advice):

BTC and USDT traders will prefer a smaller Grid, while traders with high volatility and low unit value tokens will be more likely to choose a larger Grid. The trading fee rewards of different Grid can also influence the user’s choice.

The larger the Grid, the larger the price range the user can accept for a deal and the more the user will be rewarded for a successful order.

Below we will use the example of a user selling 0.1ETH on D5 Exchange to explain Grid in detail.

As shown in the figure below, a user selects and enters:

1) ETH-aUSD as a trading pair.

2) 0.05% Grid with 0.04% trading fee reward.

3) Preferred transaction price: 2000 aUSD

4) Amount of ETH: 0.1

According to the calculation, the unit price for 0.1 ETH will be between: 1999.24 ~ 2000.24. And the user will get 0.08 aUSD as a trading fee reward.

*2000 x 0.05%=1=2000.24–1999.24

That is, the price range is within 0.05%.

*2000 x 0.1 x 0.04% =0.08

i.e. the estimated 0.04% trading fee reward will be received.

What is Relative Mode?

Relative Mode, which is based on Grid, further adjusts the transaction price range to meet customized trading needs.

The following is an example of selling 0.1ETH in 0.05% Grid+Relative Mode mode to show the function and usage in detail.

As shown above, in the 0.05% Grid, we can see that the ETH market price is now 1999.34.

The user enters ‘+2’ as the target price based on the current market price.

i.e. 1999.34+2=2001.34.

At the same time, the user can accept a transaction price between 1999.34 and 2003.34 and receive a trading fee reward of about 0.0800538aUSD.



*0.0800538=2001.34 x 0.04%

What is Advanced Maker Mode?

Advanced Maker Mode allows users to manually enter an acceptable range of transaction prices and provides a choice of the number of split transactions.

Generally speaking, the larger the price range, the more batches allowed, and the correspondingly higher the required Gas fee.

Therefore users who choose this mode of trading need to pay extra attention to the Gas fee cost.

What is Toggle Mode?

Please do not turn on the ‘Toggle expert mode’ unless you are well aware of the risks included:

1) ‘confirm trade’ prompt turn off.

2) Permissionless high slippage trading.

Ⅳ、Other trading functions

How to list a new token?

1) Click on the token on the left side.

2) Enter the smart contract of the token you want to trade in the pop-up window.

3) After completing the search, you can see the ‘Import’ button to complete the import.

Where can I view pending orders and transaction details?

Users can check the buy and sell orders, the details of a specific order, and the closed transactions in the current Grid mode through the information panel.

Also, via the multiples button at the top right of the information panel, users can aggregate orders in 5x and 10x quantities according to their needs.

Where can I check the operation history?

Users can check their order status, order history and Swap history at the bottom of the main product screen or through the navigation bar ‘Orders’.

Ⅴ、I am new, how do I get started?

Create your own decentralized wallet

*D5 Exchange currently supports Metamask, WalletConnect and Coinbase Wallet access. If you are using any of these wallets and are very familiar with the wallet process, you can skip this part of the tutorial.

The next step will cover the installation and creation of a decentralized wallet using Metamask.

1) Visit: https://metamask.io/

2) Click ‘Download for chrome’

3) Click ‘Add to chrome’ to confirm the installation

4) Click ‘Get started’ to the next step

5) Click ‘I agree’ to complete the installation of Metamask

6) If you already have a Metamask account, simply click on the option ‘Imported wallet’ on the left and follow the prompts to import your wallet; if you did not use Metamask before, click on the option ‘Create a wallet’ on the right to create one.

7) Enter at least 8 characters as your password, confirm the password again, and check the box to agree to the Terms of Service, then click ‘Create’.

8) It is recommended to watch the video if you are new, make sure that you are aware of the wallet security and click ‘Next’ to proceed.

9) Please make sure that your surrounding is absolutely private and secure, click to check your wallet’s private key and well store it. Then click on ‘Next’ to the next step.

10) Congratulations, you’ve finished creating your Metamask wallet, ready to move on to D5 Exchange?

Setting up Goerli test network and getting the test token

D5 Exchange is only open for Goerli test network for now. Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum and Optimism will be supported when it is officially launched.

1) Metamask default network is Ethereum, click Ethereum and start ‘Show Test Network’.

2) Click the button to start the test network

3) Click on the Network option again and switch to the Goerli test network.

4) You can also add Goerli test network manually to complete the setup.

Network Name: Goerli test network

New RPC URL: https://goerli.infura.io/v3/

Chain ID: 5

Currency symbol: GoerliETH

Block explorer URL: https://goerli.etherscan.io

5) GoerliETH

*Goerli test network interaction requires a certain amount of GoerliETH, which is generated only by mining.

Mining address: https://goerli-faucet.pk910.de/

Enter the wallet address, complete verification and start mining.

Once you have 0.1 GoerliETH in your account, you can officially start using the D5 Exchange testnet!

Ⅵ、Other common settings

Help Center

D5 Exchange Help Center is a collection of all user concerns and documents that will allow you to learn more about the use and features.

Product theme settings

Choose the right product theme based on your surroundings to make your trading experience more comfortable.

  • If this document does not solve your problems, please contact: the official email or community admin for help.

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D5 Exchange

The first fully on-chain order book DEX for Ethereum, where anyone can create and trade any token pair freely.