Pngme- A Global Alternative Lending Platform and Mobile Payment Application

Khanh Nguyen
4 min readSep 29, 2019


The micro, small, and medium enterprises are at the foot of the food chain. Getting by for these outfits is possible through crumbs in the name of credit provided by a few banks and lending marketplaces with astronomical interest rates.
Marketplace lending has grown in its penetration of emerging markets. The problem is: how is the recipient of loans decided? There’s a lot of inaccuracy regarding how the suitability of businesses in MSMEs is conceived. While some centralized setup favors risk profiles and orthodox credit scores, there’s the need to have the buyers of loans make the required decision.

What is Pngme?
This is one of the few revolutionary platforms in the lending marketplace arena. Pngmeintends to take marketplace by storm through the use of blockchain technology, hi-tech algorithms in deciding rates, and a more accurate methodology towards credit scoring.
With claims to being the first at putting the interest of MSMEs through innovative financial inclusion, Pngme appears bent or disrupting the status quo.

Using the Pngcoin as the primary token of exchange, Pngme intends to grow the users of its platform with the Pngcoin as the digital currency of interest. For those wondering exactly who the Pngcoin is for, this is answered by those that use the Pngme platform for making payments and those in charge of regulating the activities on the platform.

How Will Pngme Change the Global Economy through Innovative Financial Inclusion?

Take it or leave it; the global economy revolves around MSMEs, and anything that’s put this group of businesses in the spotlight is bound to grow the global economy. Pngme intends to do precisely that by extending the credit net to small and medium scale enterprises through various avenues.

The big question remains: how does Pngme intend to achieve this?
According to PIGMEWEBSITE, the platform intends to bring MSMEs into the credit picture. This is made possible by the creation of a credit scoring mechanism using the latest algorithm in the business.

The good thing about the Pngme approach is that they don’t just leave enterprises in the sea for the shark-like lenders to make a meal of. Rates are decided through market forces, which usually involve more than only owners of loans but borrowers as well.

Transparency is vital in transactions of this kind, and the involvement of blockchain technology resolves problems that could ordinarily arise from such financial interactions. No one can question the level of transparency introduced with the use of the blockchain, can they?
The Pngme platform is one that goes the extra mile in ensuring loans are adequately secured to avoid lenders running at a low should borrowers default.

For MSMEs, nothing can beat the surprisingly low credit rates, which Pngme makes happen. The usual culprits known to cause a spike in credit rates are eliminated here.

Pngme team and partners

Final Thoughts
Finance is crucial to every business, including MSMEs, and the Pngmeplatform has put together a plan to make this available. With innovation as its staff, we can only hope Pngme leads every willing small business to the promised land filled with low-rate credit.

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