6 min readJan 1, 2016

Here’s my 2015 summed up in esports and a bit personal as well:

So starting from the beginning of Fusion, I was contacted by ccigam (Magic) about subbing top lane for a new team that would be created for the expansion tournament. He followed me from when I was on Team Gyrations and thought I’d make a good in-house substitute. I wanted to hold off on college seeing as I had no clue what I wanted to do, and esports was a dream of mine. He told me the roster that would have been built (few different iterations before the final roster) and I gladly accepted. A month later I ended up being flown out to California to live in the gaming house and grind ranked 5s with the team (since MakNooN had to fly in from Korea) so we could place high in the qualifier. When MakNoon arrived, I helped out a lot with scrims on the side and other things in general. I think it was noticed by some people, and from that I was asked to be a coach/analyst instead of being a sub, since I was seen as a valuable asset. We were dominating/going even with top LCS teams in scrims, and we were heavily favored to make LCS easily. We went into the pre-qualifier tournament very confident and beat NME 2–0, which got us into the expansion tournament.

Now, I won’t go into detail about it, but we faced a few very unfortunate circumstances going into the tournament matches vs Final Five, Curse Academy, and Coast. In the end, we ended up falling 3–2 vs Coast, but that gave us an auto-qualification for the next season of NACS.
We decided, as staff and players, that we would not be moving on with MakNooN and Gleeb after falling short vs Coast. We looked at a few different options for what we wanted to do. We looked at having Yusui top lane, Huhi switching to support and Yusui mid, IgNar being our support etc., but in the end we felt we had a good core roster of Chunky, Nintendude, Huhi, Nien, and Trance.

Then.. more happened. Josh (NintendudeX) ended up having a seizure, which was not only scary for him, but for the team as well. The thing that made me love the whole Fusion org is that every one on the team was worried about him/his health more than the future of our roster. That made me see how close each of these guys were to one another; that Fusion wasn’t just a team of 5 guys, it was a family. Josh being the fucking tank he is, played out the rest of our ESL tournament. We finished first in the ESL tournament, and that alone made us very confident in our roster moving into the NACS season. We started looking at jungler replacements/subs just in-case Josh couldn’t continue or needed a break.

Then.. the second seizure happened. Now mind you, this guy is like a brother to me and it hit me hard. Going through anything like that is the scariest fucking thing and at times I felt like shit because I knew there wasn’t much I could do besides stay near him at night and pray it didn’t happen again.
After the second seizure, we encouraged Josh to take a break and move back home for a while since we had ~1 1/2 weeks before the NACS season began. We looked and debated, and finally all agreed on moving AWildMimo into the house as our substitute jungler. We flew MiMo out ASAP and had a weeks worth of practice. Scrims weren’t going very well, seeing as we had to adjust to everything. A couple days before NACS, we all felt nervous but knew, given time, we could be a top team. After Josh saw the way we performed, he wanted to come back and start practicing ASAP. So we kept MiMo as a live-in substitute and put Josh back as the starting jungler. Huge thank you to Mimo for coming in on such short notice and stepping up. Not only was he a cool guy, but everything he did for us was very much appreciated.
I won’t go much more into the NACS season as most of it isn’t very detailed, but I left/was removed from the team at the very end of the season due to the whole scrim vod fiasco. I wish I would’ve handled things differently, but sometimes things are just meant to be the way they happened (Also, the scrim leak jokes are pretty stale, come on now.). I wish I could’ve stuck around to help prep for TDK/Final 5/Dignitas as there was no support staff left, but much respect for CurryshotGG stepping up and tackling it nearly on his own.

After Fusion I took some time to myself and that’s when I got in contact with Hermit (former Origen coach, currently NRG head coach) which helped me stay connected with the game and just a very chill guy in general. We would go back and forth on analysis stuff, rather it was which VODs I should be watching, how I should be approaching a problem, why I should approach it that way etc.
I worked with Team Imagine for about a month or so but moved away from that seeing as they had coaching staff in place already. Not much went on for me over those few months, since I felt I lost the respect of many people from the Fusion ordeal. I contemplated quitting esports all together and going to school but felt I’d give esports one last shot. Then, during late August, I was approached by Hermit to help do analyst work for Origen during worlds and, again, gladly accepted to help. I worked with a fantastic group of guys, ‘The brain trust’ (xd) over those couple of months (Naser, Brendan, Archon, Dylan, and Malaclypse) and learned a lot about the game & how to approach it. We finished 3rd/4th falling 0–3 vs SKT. Once worlds ended, the whole experience really sparked me to want to drive towards working in esports for at least another year, and help it become something notable and stable, especially the challenger scene. Which is where I am now.

(Side note: Brokenshard and Razleplasm also helped me in terms of analysis and how I should handle certain problems. I appreciate both of you guys for being there!)

For more ‘personal’ things: I guess this is where I’ll say that I’m currently the General Manager of an organization ‘Dream Team’. We’re currently in COD World League, Halo 4, and looking to expand into League of Legends and CS:GO. I’ll be over seeing the day-to-day operations of the organization, and felt moving into a position like this was best not only for my future, but for myself as a person.

If you follow me, you’d know I retweet pictures or tweet about a pretty lovely girl and bother the shit out of you with it. Rather you know her as Samantha, Andromehda, Sam.. whatever it is, you know how wonderful she is too. Samantha has been a huge part of my life as of the past 6 months and has helped change me for the better. She pushes me to work harder, to improve myself, and to stay focused. She’s one of my biggest motivators, and I could take up this whole page just talking about her, but I needed to mention how lucky I am to have her in my life, how important she is to me, and that I love her dearly.

I’m not sure what pushed me to write all of this, but I felt I at least owed some of you what’s been going on in my personal/business life the past year. I appreciate all of you, even the people who don’t necessarily like me, because I hope one day we can make amends for the reasons you do not.

Thanks, pals.

Past — Fusion story.
Past — Origen analyst.
Current — Dream Team.
Always — Samantha.


Former Team Fusion Coach & Origen Worlds Analyst | Business contact: | @Andromehda ❤