50 Habits that Makes you Smarter!

5 min readApr 12, 2024


Habits to Make you Smarter

In today’s evolving world, enhancing our intelligence is not a goal but a necessity. Intelligence goes beyond academic achievements. It affects every part of our lives. It shapes how we solve problems, interact with others, and understand the world. Here are 50 Habits that make you smarter:

Cognitive Enhancement

Reading books
  1. Read regularly. Books, especially from diverse genres and subjects, expand vocabulary, knowledge, and comprehension.
  2. Learning a new language boosts brain function. It improves multitasking and opens up new cultures.
  3. Play Brain Games. They include puzzles, crosswords, and games like chess. These games can sharpen reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  4. Practice Meditation: Regular meditation can increase focus, memory retention, and emotional intelligence.
  5. Write daily. This habit can clarify your thoughts and boost your ability to articulate ideas. It can be journaling or creative writing.

Knowledge Expansion

  1. Attend Workshops and Lectures. They provide structured learning. You can learn new concepts and theories.
  2. Subscribe to educational channels. Platforms like YouTube and podcasts offer many resources on any subject.
  3. Travel: Experiencing different cultures and environments can broaden your understanding and adaptability.
  4. Experiment with DIY Projects: Hands-on learning through doing can reinforce theoretical knowledge.
  5. Use the Feynman Technique. Teach what you learn to someone else. This will help you understand and remember it.

Health and Nutrition

Brain Boosting Food
  1. Exercise . It boosts blood flow to the brain and improves thinking.
  2. Eat Brain-Boosting Foods. These foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. Add them to your diet.
  3. Get plenty of sleep. Enough sleep is crucial for memory and clear thinking.
  4. Remember to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water boosts focus and energy.
  5. Limit Sugar Intake: Reducing sugar can prevent energy crashes and improve alertness.

Social and Emotional Intelligence

  1. Practice Active Listening. Improving your listening skills can help you understand others better. It can also help you build better relationships.
  2. Engage in Meaningful Conversations. Talking about diverse topics with others can give new insights and views.
  3. Volunteer: Helping others can increase your empathy and understanding of different human experiences.
  4. Practice Gratitude. Acknowledging what you’re thankful for can boost your mood and well-being.
  5. Learn Conflict Resolution. Being able to handle and fix disputes well is a crucial life skill.
Stay Organized

Professional Development

  1. Seek Feedback: Constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement and growth.
  2. Set goals. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They can guide your learning.
  3. Network: Building a professional network can open doors to knowledge and career opportunities.
  4. Stay Organized: Effective organization can greatly enhance productivity and focus.
  5. Embrace challenges. Step out of your comfort zone to tackle hard tasks. This can lead to big personal growth.

Technological Literacy

Take Online Courses:
  1. Learn to Code: Understanding basic programming can enhance logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  2. Stay updated on tech trends. Doing so fosters adaptability and tech-savviness.
  3. Use Productivity Tools. Apps and software that boost productivity can make tasks easier. They can free up time for learning.
  4. Join online forums. They are like Reddit or specialized forums. They can deepen your knowledge and analysis.
  5. Take Online Courses. Platforms like Coursera or Udemy offer courses. They can expand your professional and personal skills.

Creative Thinking

  1. Practice Mind Mapping. Seeing ideas can help you brainstorm and organize .
  2. Explore Art and Music. Engaging with many art forms can inspire creativity and emotion.
  3. Seek new experiences. Often being in new situations can improve adaptability and problem-solving.
  4. Play Musical Instruments. Learning an instrument improves memory and abstract thinking.
  5. Experiment with Different Creative Mediums. Try painting, sculpting, r other creative activities. They can boost innovative thinking.

Mindfulness and Reflection

Keep a Reflection Journal
  1. Keep a Reflection Journal: Reflect on daily experiences to enhance self-awareness and decision-making.
  2. Practice Yoga: Yoga can improve concentration, mental clarity, and calmness.
  3. Engage in Regular Self-Evaluation: Taking time to assess your progress and goals can keep you on track and motivated.
  4. Meditate on Specific Concepts: Focusing your meditation on particular ideas can deepen your understanding and retention.
  5. Adopt a Growth Mindset: Believing in the ability to learn and grow from challenges can enhance your resilience and willingness to tackle difficult problems.

Lifelong Learning

  1. Read Scientific Journals: Keep up with the latest research in your field or areas of interest.
  2. Attend Industry Conferences: These can provide insights into emerging trends and networking opportunities.
  3. Enroll in Advanced Courses. They can challenge you and expand your expertise.
  4. Teach others. It can reinforce your knowledge and show gaps in understanding.
  5. Challenge Your Existing Beliefs: Question and test your beliefs to refine your thinking and adapt to new information.

Daily Routines and Discipline

Limit Social Media Usage
  1. Establish a morning routine. It can boost productivity and make time for thinking.
  2. Use the Pomodoro Technique. It breaks work into intervals with short breaks. This can improve focus and efficiency.
  3. Limit social media usage. Doing so reduces distractions. It increases productivity and frees up time for learning.
  4. Schedule Weekly Reviews. Regular reviews help solidify learning and plan next steps.
  5. Focus on tasks. Focus on finishing the most mentally hard tasks when you have the most energy.

By adding these habits to your life, you can improve your thinking and smarts. You’ll make strides toward becoming your best self.




"A passionate polymath, I thrive on exploring diverse fields of knowledge especially health and Technology. . I believe that knowledge gains value when shared.